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• c e r y s    p o i n t    o f    v i e w  •

       ~ Cerys felt frustrated, really frustrated as she rolled on her back. She was currently laying in bed, staring at the celling, not knowing what to draw next. Art blocks really sucked, and always put Cerys in a bad mood. And Cerys was already in a bad mood that day.

For what it seemed to be the hundredth time today, she teared the sketch in front of her, literally shoving it in the trash can. She sighed but sat a bit straighter as she stared at the blank paper in front of her, she let her hands freely roam, staring off with a head, then drawing the eyes, and then the nose, and the mouth.

And she realised she was drawing Aiden. The beautiful face that she had no idea how to take her mind off of him. But she didn't care at the moment. She stared at her new piece a bit pleased with it. He had a soft smile on his face and a deep dimple was drawn on both of his cheeks. She didn't see him smile, but she assumed he had dimples And so she began shading, making detalis look clearer. Like drawing the freckles on the bridge of his nose or drawing his slightly crooked teeth. Also shading his jawline a bit because of how sharp it was.

She didn't really know if it took her minutes or hours, but it was enjoyable for her. She smiled every now and then as she coloured his eyes, or his hair smiling at the cute face in front of her.

And Cerys let the sketchbook fall next to her when she laid on her back, her hands on her stomach as she closed her eyes, sucking a deep breath thinking. What had that boy done to me?

She convinced herself that she was memorized by his cute features. And that she was thinking about him just because he looked adorable. And she drew him because he was beautiful. 

But she knew it was more than just his looks. She was kinda attracted to him even though, she never really talked to him except for once, and they didn't even have a proper conversation. Cerys put closed her sketchbook. And put it next to her. She put a pillow under her head deciding a good nap was needed.

And the last thing she thought of was the cute blonde guy as she feel in deep sleep.

Eccendentesiast जहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें