Chapter Three : Googly Bear

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I heard my mom's voice calling out my name and stuffed my head further into the pillow I was hugging. I curled further into a ball and pulled my legs closer. But unusually my leg slipped down & tugged me forward. I tried hard in my semi-conscious state to pull it back up but I guess for once gravity was stronger. Suddenly I realized that my mom was no longer calling me.

Confused I opened my eyes half and found the surroundings weird. Instead of my usual huge wooden cupboard at then end of the room there was a much smaller cupboard. There was an unusual table stand beside me with a lot of flowers and stuff painted on it.

Doesn't seem like my room at all.

I realized that a little sunlight was peeking through somewhere behind me and turned around to lie on my back and saw a pretty big window beside me with at least 3 curtains, from between a tiny gap through which the treacherous light escaped.

Not my room. I decided. Then whose? my mind asked me back.

And then at once everything came flooding back to my mind. The night I was almost married. The slap. My job. Shit, I am in New York.

I groaned and got up to sit on my bed. Why me?

I pulled away my blankets and put my other leg too down. I put my hands to my face and wiped my face. Lifting my eyes I was greeted with the most unusual sight ever for me- a huge red heart was painted on the backside of my door.

Definitely not my room!


It was almost 10 by the time I got ready, came down and sat to eat my breakfast, which consisted of bread, an omelette, a pancake and one cup of once-upon-a-time steaming coffee.

Nitya stuffed her breakfast into her mouth and rushed into her room.

"Stop running with that heels. You'll trip over girl." I shouted as she ran into her room for the third time today morning.

"I tho thish evvy monning." came her reply from her room, her mouth full.

I smiled and continued with my breakfast. Nitya rushed out of her room with a laptop bag and stopped right in front of me. I looked up at her and she looked back at me. I slowly raised my eyebrows at her as she chewed her breakfast. Suddenly her face lit up and she rushed back into her room. I sighed and once again continued with my breakfast. I was almost done when I saw a very beautiful sight- Nitya limped out of her room, her face finally 60% calm, her laptop bag up her shoulder, her phone in her hand and her hand held at a weird angle so that her watch won't fall off, a coffee cup in her other hand and one of her shoes missing.

I bit my lip to hold back the smile tugging furiously at my lips and looked at her through my eyelashes. "Was all the rushing for this?" I asked finally giving in to the smile.

She placed her coffee cup on the table and looked back at me. I rested my chin on my hands and looked at her. She fixed her watch, took her bag into her free hand and straightened her posture. "I forgot that my dearest boss, Mr.Hitler-reincarnation  Joseph-my-foot  Dennis-but-should-be-Stalin is on leave today." she said very slowly with an eerie smile on her face. "You know what that means? I can reach my office at any time. I can leave when I want. I can go wherever I want to have lunch with my colleagues. We can play cards in his office. We can behave like we own the bloody place." She sat down on the chair opposite to mine and huffed.

"Umm.....congratulations?" I gave her a confused look.

"Thanks." she looked at me just for a moment and then continued looking at her shoes. I finished my coffee and got up to go to the kitchen when the girl beside me spoke again.

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