Chapter 5: Wriggler

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I was standing infront of the two-storeyed building that looked a lot less magnificent than what I saw in the pictures, obviously. It looked more comfortable in real with brick walls and french windows and with all the possible sunlight getting in. It looked like something from a movie, except the scene inside wasn't the beautiful mess you see in movies where there a few papers of every colour everywhere, but an actual great mess of every shade of pink possible. And the people too did not look like they were very much into their job and would give you a warm smile if you walked past them, but instead looked like they'd tear apart everything around them and burn everybody on their way home, or jail, if they could. But the french windows were very pretty. And they had automatic sliding glass doors. Without frames, two of them. Very classy, nice place. Yes, nice place. I huffed and went inside.

A woman whom I assumed was Bridget was sitting at the reception talking to someone on the phone and writing something down on a stick-me note. I walked up to her waiting for her to finish her call.

"Yes, yes Mr.William I will inform her of the changes immediately. Thank you. Have a good day." She kept the phone down and took the stick-me note and stuck it on her table and I saw what's written on it "Weird Willy called, pink pink pink, more pink, invite magneta or fuchsia?". Yeah she was Bridget.

"Hi how can I help you?" she asked me with an instant smile that seemed well rehearsed.

"Hi I'm Mauli Malhotra, the new event manager?"

"Oh hi! Wonderful to meet you. You're right on time I see, good. Now come with me, we'll go meet our lovely boss lady." She stood up, took the stick-me note and started walking. We took the stairs as the elevator was filled with golden lampposts and a human voice asking us to press 1st floor from somewhere behind. We turned right to a corridor and went to the first room on the left.

The person in the room, my boss hereon, was on a video call with a man and a woman who looked Korean or Japanese or something. She had her chair turned halfway to her left so I could see only her side profile. Dark chocolate brown hair that was pulled into a neat bun, dark grey blazer, she just gave the vibe of somebody you don't mess with but can have fun with. Bridget tapped twice on the table lightly and she turned to look at us after excusing herself from the call. Bridget waved the stick-me note twice and then pointed towards me. She smiled at me and I smiled back not knowing if I should say something in between this or not, when she excused herself again and went back to the call. I looked at Bridget and asked her subtly if we should wait out and she waved her hand in dismissal. Okay.

"Thank you so much Mr. & Mrs. Rhee. I will make a list of all the arrangements and the budget list and send it to you for approval by Thursday. Yes, thank you. Have a nice day." She shut down her laptop and turned to glare at Bridget, "You interrupt me once more and I'm gonna fire you."

"I'm trying so hard yet you just keep giving blank threats. Do it and prove it." She replied, my eyes almost coming out hearing that, before she waved the note again. "Weird Willy called again. And again. My life seems to be revolving around his calls these days. He wants more pink. Something abt the stars being pink and not silver, and something about the wand in the return gifts having a pink star at the end instead of golden or silver like somebody from here apparently suggested. Wonder who. Anyway. And he's apparently confused whether he wants the invitation to be magneta or fuchsia. Asked your opinion. He seems to want your opinion a lot." She smiled suggestively playing with the note, earning an eyeroll before continuing. "And this", she said gesturing  to me with both hands, "as you must've realized, is your ray of sunshine. I have taken no effort to show her around or even offered to do so, incase you were wondering why you should fire me. All yours." She winked at me before walking towards the door.

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