Chapter 6: Apparently.

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I was searching for something to eat in the kitchen when I heard the doorbell. Nithya had already texted me that she won't be coming home tonight because they were all going to some party and then going to crash at somebody's place. Manik also had to go somewhere so he went as soon as he dropped me. Wondering what else what waiting at the door I went and opened it to reveal the person with the most annoying smirk ever waiting for his latest victim with two unbelievably innocent olive green eyes and a pizza box.

"Hi, may I?" Melvin asked politely, immediately making me suspicious.

"You......may not?" I tried my best.

He gave a bright closed lipped smile before saying "nice try" and coming in anyway. 

"Then why bother ask?" I asked the now comfortably seated "gentleman" as I shut the door.

"Manners." He answers like its the most obvious character trait of his, earning yet another eye-roll from me. If he was gonna be around here for any longer, I was quite sure I'd lose my proper vision to all these eye-rolls. My eyes would perpetually be rolling. I smiled at the funny image of that.

"See, I always knew that you secretly loved me coming." He was standing next to me with that annoying smile of his.

"Why exactly are you here?" I ask him as he picked up a plate and went towards the fridge.

"I..." he took the ketchup bottle and turned around," ....... am here to keep you company and feed you and tuck you into bed and read a nice story and kiss you goodnight, french, if you will, and then snuggle next to you." He took a bottle of cold water and turned back and smiled at me.


"What, you don't know French?"

I simply kept staring at him with the most straight face I could make at the moment. He shrugged and went back to taking a bottle of water from the fridge. "It's okay, I know stories in English too." I frowned and he looked up at me with a glint in his eyes.

"You were talking about French.....stories right? Because je parler francais but you don't?"

I looked as annoyed as a five-year-old and turned away to hide my pout while I heard him chuckle behind me.

"I was informed that you are one of those people who eat dinner, apparently and there was nothing to eat here, apparently and so I was supposed to bring you dinner and make sure you were tucked in well, apparently." 


"Apparently." He replied with a wide smile before sitting on the rug on the floor next to where he put the pizza box and switched on the TV.

I went and sat beside him and opened the pizza box while he shuffled through channels. I didn't understand what he brought the plates for.

"I didn't know whether you like chinese or not so I bought the all-time favourite pizza. Its veg. I didn't know if you ate non-veg." He told without taking his eyes off the TV.

I took out the plastic box in the middle of the pizza and put it aside. I have no idea why but I never liked that thing, its weird shape and useless existence.

"Why are you looking at the box tent with murder in your eyes?" I looked and saw Melvin looking at me weirdly.

"Nothing. I just don't like it. It looks weird." I frown at that lifeless thing once again.

"Why would anybody not like it? It's literally called the Pizza Saver. It saves the pizza from collapsing or the box from ruining it. Its the guardian angel of the food from heaven. I like to use them as egg holders sometimes. My mom uses it to keep threads. It is so useful despite being so tiny and cute." He took it in the palm of his hands and looked at it with adoration.

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 15, 2020 ⏰

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