whatever this world can give to me ; one

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dedicated to..
. softlyryan for being my best friend and inspiring me to write this
. dustbiter for being an inspiration to me and the loveliest person

joe's pov
my eyes fluttered open. the comfort and heat of my bed surrounded me as my arms lifted above my head to stretch. i looked at my phone on my bedside cabinet, it read 9:30.

"gee, i'm never up this early," joe laughed to himself as he lifted the covers off of him and got up. he went to the bathroom and turned on the shower. he put his playlist on, smiling as the first few notes to queen's somebody to love began playing.

joe felt he could relate to this song. his relationships never worked out and all he wanted was somebody to love. the song ended just as he got out of the shower. he wrapped a towel around his waist and wet his toothbrush. he squeezed toothpaste onto it and wet it again, thinking about how him and ben always argued about the "correct way" to do this.

he brushed his teeth and then he went to pick out an outfit. he ended up picking black jeans and a dark blue t-shirt. he put on vans and left. he put his key into the ignition of his range rover and texted ben, "on my way, see you soon!"

him and ben were going ice skating but before they were going for breakfast. they were meeting at this cute little shop for pancakes and then heading to the local ice rink.

his engine began and he pulled out of his driveway, connecting his playlist to the car. crazy little thing called love started playing.

this thing, called love
i must
get round to it

before he knew it, he parked outside the little shop and walked in. he saw his best friend sitting in a booth and walked over to him.

"hey ben! how are you?" he asked the blonde boy as he sat down.

"not bad mate, how about you?" ben responded, just as a waiter came over.

"hey! my name is chloe and i'll be your waiter today. would you boys like some drinks?" the girl couldn't keep her eyes off ben.

"i'd like a diet coke please, with ice." joe said quietly.

"uh yeah, i'll have a lemonade, thanks." ben said with a small smile, staring at the, frankly beautiful girl stood in front of them.

"that's no problem," the girl said, quickly scribbling on her little notepad, "your drinks will be out soon, here's some menus so you can decide what you want to order!" she said with a smile as she passed the menus down to the boys.

"she was fucking gorgeous mate." ben said with a smile.

"uh yeah." joe said, smiling at how happy ben was about the pretty girl that had previously been staring at him.

"so what are you going to get?" joe asked, analyzing the large menu.

"pancakes, duh." ben replied without hesitation.

"obviously, should've known," joe said, grinning, "i think i'm gonna get the full english."

as if on cue, the waiter re-appeared with two glasses. the drinks came in little mason jars with red and white paper straws. joe couldn't deal with how cute they were. ben smiled at how happy joe got over mason jars and paper straws.

"are you ready to order your mains yet or are you still deciding?" the waiter asked, her eyes traveling over to ben every once in a while. joe noticed she looked at his arms, jawline and eyes.

"yeah actually, i'll have the chocolate chip pancakes and syrup." ben said to the waiter.

as she scribbled onto her little notepad, she turned to joe and said, "and you?"

"uhh i'll have the full english, thanks." joe said with a small smile.

"great, your food will be out as soon as possible." the waiter said.

the waiter skipped off to the kitchen and disappeared.

"ask for her number, i have a tiny inkling she might be somewhat slightly interested in you."
joe said sarcastically.

"maybe i will actually." ben replied with a smirk.

after a while of chit chat and small talk, their food finally arrived and they tucked in.

"this is bloody delicious mate!" ben exclaimed, causing a few people to give him a look.

joe simply laughed.

soon enough, they finished their meals and got on their way to the ice rink.

they asked for the bill and as i examined the receipt, i spotted something written on the back,

"call me, -xxxxxxxxxxx- <3 -chloe"

"i think this is for you, buddy," joe said with a smirk.

ben immediately had a massive grin on his face as he left the money and the tip on the small silver plate. he stuffed the receipt into his back pocket and walked to joe's car.

"would this be a good time to tell you i can't ice skate?" joe said, laughing.

"me neither mate." ben replied.

"oh well, i'll try my best," joe smiled, "i'll probably end up knocking someone over." he
laughed as he tightened the straps on his skates.

joe tried to stand up but he fell right back down and both of the boys broke out into a fit of laughter. as they made another attempt at walking they held onto each other for dear life.

they walked onto the ice and joe let out a high pitched scream as he fell on his ass there and then. ben was in a fit of laughter and joe was looking at him, clearly unimpressed.

"excuse me, may i ask what is so funny about my near death experience?" joe questioned, faking being angry.

joe smiled and got up as he glid onto the ice. he remembered being told, "don't walk, glide one foot at a time and bend your knees."

he tried, and with many attempts and nearly falling over each time, he managed to get the hang of it, and so did ben.

however it seemed joe had become too absorbed in his skating, as he was immediately brought back into reality after he knocked someone right over.

welcome to the first chapter of my first book ! if anyone is actually reading this i hope u enjoy it <3

you're my best friend ; joe mazzelloWhere stories live. Discover now