you make me live ; two

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mystery girl's pov

it all happened when i went ice skating. i was with my best friends, hannah and katie. hannah and i were on the ice, and katie was still getting her skates on. i was laughing with her about something stupid and when i turned round, i was immediately greeted with this tall ass man bounding into me. i barely had time to react before i felt the back of my skates grate against the ice and before i knew it, i was flat on the floor, with this stranger directly on top of me. he looked at me and i looked at him and he immediately went bright red. at this time katie walked onto the ice and glid over to us.

"for fucks sake! i leave you for two minutes, and you have a boy on top of you!" katie exclaimed, she was trying to hold back laughter at the ordeal.

as i was regaining my composure, i could hear his mumbled apologies.

"i-i'm so so sorry oh my god." he said, he looked like he just seen a ghost.

the boy he was with was absolutely pissing himself at our whole encounter.

"uhh it's fine don't worry!" i said back, smiling.

"oh good then, are you hurt?" the boy asked me.

"nah i'm good! thank you anyway." i replied.

i went to skate away, but the boy glid over and whispered in my ear,

"let me take you out for coffee, you know, to apologize," he whispered with a smirk, "put your number in my phone." he added

"you're technically not meant to have your phone on the ice," i said, laughing, "but i guess i can make an exception for you, mystery boy." i said, smirking.

i created a new contact and typed my number in. i then typed in my name.

"holly. cute name for a cute girl." joe said, reading the new contact on his phone.

again, joe went red as he realized what had just came out of his mouth, "fuck, did i say that out loud?" he asked quietly.

"yes you did, mystery boy. but don't worry, the feeling's mutual, darling." i said with a smirk as i finally glid away to my friends.

as i skated over to my friends, the first thing i heard was,

"oooooh holly's got a date!" hannah said, loudly, almost a little too loud.

"oh shut up. he's just being nice, however i will say that he is cute." i said, feeling my cheeks burn.

"oooh you like him!" hannah said, a little quieter this time.

"shut up. i can't decide if i like him right now, i only just met him." i replied.

holly just left the entire conversation at that, but i couldn't keep the mystery boy out of my head.

after ice skating, hannah and katie came round for pizza and cookies, but soon after they left, i i heard my phone buzz.

i immediately smiled at the text. opening it and changing the contact name to,

"mystery boy😘."

the text was simple, however i analyzed it carefully. he typed in all lowercase and left "x" on the end of his text, i thought this was a cute touch.

"hey holly, it's the guy from skating today. when do you want to get coffee. anytime works for me, i'm never busy lol x"

i quickly typed out a reply,

"hey mystery boy, anytime works for me. do u want to do it tomorrow? i'm not busy x"

i then clicked off the messages app and went to call hannah.

"HANNAH GUESS WHAT!" i yelled down the phone.

"OH MY GOD DID YOUR FUTURE MAN TEXT YOU BACK?!" hannah yelled back down the phone.


"of course i will! just text me when you're going and i'll get there a good two hours before." she said, finally lowering her pitch.

"see you tomorrow!" i said, hanging up the call.

i was ecstatic, cute mystery boy had texted me.

my phone buzzed again, it was another text from him.

"that's fine i'll come pick u up at like 12 tomorrow then? xx"

"that's cool! see you then xx"

i was internally screaming.

i then went to text hannah.

"can u come over at like 10 tomorrow he's picking me up at 12? xx"

"yes ofc go get ur mans sis!! xx" hannah replied.

i chuckled, hannah had clearly been spending too much time on twitter.

just as i was about to go to bed, my phone buzzed again.

joe_mazzello has requested to follow you

i went to accept the request. i liked his most recent post and shut my phone off and placed it on my night stand.

i drifted off to sleep, thinking about cute mystery boy.


slightly shorter chapter but i hope you enjoyed it nonetheless. i love this chapter so much, i love holly and her friends' personalities. xx

you're my best friend ; joe mazzelloWhere stories live. Discover now