you're my sunshine ; four

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holly's pov

"joe. kissed. me. this cute ass boy had kissed me! i had such a good night and he was so funny and ugh oh my god." i gushed down the phone to my best friend hannah.

"HOLY MOTHER OF SHIT HE KISSED YOU?!" hannah yelled down the phone excitedly.

"yes and he was a very good kisser, not going to lie." i said, smiling.

"come to my house right now." hannah said.

"han it's 11:30pm?" i said back.

"come over bitchass." she shot back.

"ugh fine." i replied, hanging up the call.

i packed a sleepover bag because i knew i'd probably be sleeping over. i got in my car and started blasting queen as i drove.

soon enough i was at hannah's house. i knocked on the door and she let me in.

"hey girl! you need to tell me everything that happened!" hannah said excitedly.

holly popped herself down onto hannah's sofa and began to recount the whole night.

"ok so basically we went for coffee but then he asked me to go back to his house for dinner and we ordered pizza and talked and then he took me home and then he kissed me!" i said, quickly.

"slow your roll sis, he invited you back to his house?!" she said, shocked.

"uhh yeah but not like that!" i said with a nervous smile.

"oh good." she said, snickering.

"do you want to order food?" hannah suggested, breaking the silence.

"han, i love you but what restaurant is open at 12 am?" i said, letting out a laugh.

"mcdonald's!" she replied excitedly.

"yes!" i replied. i opened up the app on my phone and placed an order.

"han what do you want?" i asked her.

"uh 6 chicken nuggets, medium fries, coke zero and an oreo mcflurry." she replied.

i typed it in and added it to the card, adding the same for myself. i placed the order and put my
phone on the coffee table.

"here's the money for the food." she said, handing me a 10 dollar bill.

"don't worry han, it's fine." i replied, declining the money.

"take it!" she said, violently pressing the money into my hand.

"thank you." i said, putting it into my bag.

soon enough, the doorbell rang. the courier looked so tired, i kinda felt bad for him.

"thank you so much!" i said, with a bright smile. i gave him a generous tip and then took the food.

"ugh i fucking love mcdonalds." hannah said, viciously opening the brown paper bag.

we sorted out who's food was who's and began eating.

to say the least, i was ravenous. i hadn't eaten for two whole hours! mcdonald's was exactly what i needed.

after a while of watching movies, talking and laughing, we finally drifted off to sleep, covered in blankets and pillows.

i woke up bright and early, or to put it another way, i was up before hannah. i was checking my phone when she finally got up and made a slightly obnoxious groaning sound.

"it's so early." hannah groaned, rubbing her eyes and yawning.

"han i love you but it's almost 10 am." i replied, smiling at her.

"early." she responded, letting out a loud yawn.

i giggled at her and finally got up.

"what do you want for breakfast?" i yelled from
the kitchen.

"waffles!" she yelled back.

i took the packet of toaster waffles from the bread bin and shoved them both in the toaster. i got the nutella from the cupboard and a knife.

after a minute, the waffles were done so i picked them out carefully and put them on separate plates. i spread the nutella onto the waffles and carried them into the room.

"here bitch." i said, handing her the plate.

"thank you my darling." she responded with a smile.

we sat and ate and watched tv until we both decided to get ready. i went upstairs to brush my teeth and go for a shower.

we sat and done our makeup as we sang along to queen, hannah attempting and failing to recreate roger's screaming in my fairy king.

my fairy king can do nothing right and nothing wrong

we were halfway through cool cat when i heard my phone buzz. i got up to check it and it was joe.

"uh i don't like you romantically and our kiss meant nothing. don't contact me because i've met someone else. bye."

hannah obviously noticed that my face fell into a frown as i read the message.

"who is it?" she questioned.

"joe..." i replied.

"oh cool! what's he saying." she said.

"uhh just read this." i replied as i handed my phone to her.

"kindly, what the fuck," she replied, shocked, "i never met the guy but from what you described to me he didn't seem like that kinda guy!" she said, as her mood changed from shock to anger.

"who the FUCK does he think he is?" i said simply, throwing her phone forcefully on the bed.

"hey didn't joe and gwilym go to university together?" hannah asked. "are they still friends?" she added.

"i don't know to be honest, i think so as gwil has mentioned him to me a few times." i tell her honestly.

"text gwil then and tell him the tea!" hannah urged, throwing my phone at me.

"ugh fine." i said, clicking the contact.

"hey gwil! do you know of a boy called joe mazzello?" i sent in a message.

the reality of what joe had said in the message hit me like a ton of bricks as i started remembering the previous night she had spent with him.

choking back tears, she tried to explain to hannah her feelings,

"i thought we had something. he was funny, seriously, side-splittingly funny. it was like he automatically understood my sense of humor. he was cute. very cute. he was a true gentlemen and he really did sweep me off my feet. if any other guy did this to me i would just cut him out but i don't want to cut him out. i've only known him for two days but i swear when we kissed - and not to be cliché - sparks flew. i thought we had something hannah. i thought he liked me back, but i guess not." i said, letting stray tears fall down my face.

"i know exactly how you feel. we need to get your mind off of him, he hurt you and i know you have feelings but he hurt you and that's unnacceptable, hol." she said, rubbing my back and wiping my tears.

and like that, i heard my phone buzz. i picked it up and it was gwil.

"i do actually, we're still quite good friends from uni, why do you ask, dear?"


ooh drama. special apology to softlyryan for her not being featured in this chapter. sorry sis :/
i felt it was moving to fast so i added in some drama, quite excited for this. do you think they will figure it out and come back even closer? maybe..
anyway @ the two people who actually read my books (bubblysonny and softlyryan ) i hope ur enjoying. if there's more than two people who read my books, make yourself known!!
i might make a one shot book and take requests idk tho :/
also before i leave i almost cried writing the -emotional- ending :(

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