Chapter 1:Normal day

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I'm going to leave random music on the top of every chapter just in case you like to listen to music as you read👌

Anyways hello! You can call me egg and this is my story! Are you ready max?

Max:fuck off! Why me and Ross

Because I feel like it!

Max: what if the readers want something else!

Then they can leave comments telling me!

max:ugh! Let's just get started

Ok then!!
I'm editing again and I'm so bored! Like don't get me wrong like I love my job and all but sitting all day listening to people scream all day can get boring.

Adam: MAXXX!

Max:what do you want? (He said I'm annoyed tone )

Adam:I need you to do me a favor

Max:depends what do you need?

Adam:well Ross has been acting really strange recently and I'm just worried about him

Max:why would I know or care

Adam:well you live with him so I thought maybe you could just keep a close eye on him

Max:why not ask Tim?

Adam:he seems to be going through his own things and I'd hate to bother him

Max:so you come and bother me


Max:well fine I'm keep an eye out but only because I don't want to deal the outcome

Adam:yay! Thanks max!

I go back to editing and i mean I am worried for Ross. If Adam is willing to come to me and mention it then there must me something.i dismissed the idea because it was time to go so I went and got Ross and Tim and we got in the car and Tim started to drive us home.

Max:so what's up guys

Tim:nothing much I'm just ready to take a nap


Max:anything new happening?

Ross:no nothing new

Tim:well I'm planning on getting on a trip next week

Max:oh where?

Tim:I'm actually going to visit family

Max:do they live far?

Tim:hmm maybe a few hours by plane

Max:when will you be back?

Tim: i should be there for two weeks

Ross POV
Max and Tim talked the whole way home and I was just arms were stinging me again so once we got home I went to my room and locked my door and took off my long sleeve shirt to see my cuts hadn't healed much from the last time I cut them. I bandage them up and I hid my blade I used and then I heard a knock on my door so I put a hoodie on and unlocked it


Max:hay are you ok?

Ross:y-yeah fine

Ross POV
I looked at his pretty eyes and his red hair....this was the reason I cut. He would never accept my feeling towards him..I hate to admit it and no one knows but I am gay....I must have zoned out for a minute because I feel the beautiful red head lightly shake me

Max:are you sure?

Ross:yeah I'm good

Max:why don't we hangout?

Ross:and do what?

Max:let's play some smash bros!

Ross:you are going to lose

Max:can we play in your room?

Ross:sure is set everything up

Max:ok I'm going to go change And I'll be right back

I ran to my room and changed into a onesie because it was comfortable and then I started to walk to ross's room and I noticed he had a book partly under his bed so I picked it up as he was in his bathroom.

Reasons why I cut:
1-I'm gay
2-i love a straight man
3-I'm a fuck up

I couldn't read the rest due to bad handwriting and it was covered with something red. Ross left his bathroom and saw what I was holding then grabbed it out of my hands and threw it in his closet and looked at me.

Max:what was that?




Max:take your hoodie off


Max:now! (He yelled)

Ross POV
I listened to the red head and took my hoodie off. Him yelling always scared me so I kinda backed up and blushed a little as he looked at my bare chest and my cut arms.


Ross:please don't yell at me. I'm sorry

Max:was that list why you did it?


Max:your gay?

Ross POV

I couldn't take it...I stared to cry so I put my hoodie back on and ran in the bathroom and locked then door. I heard max knock but I ignored it then he somehow managed to unlock the door and I walked to my bed and payed down crying as he looked at me. I can't take it! He probably hates me!

Max:Ross let's talk

Ross:no I'm a freak!

Max:no you are not

Ross:l-leave me alone


So this is why Ross has been different recently. What a terrible friend I am just watching my best friend cry on his bed about being gay.i go and sat beside him and just started rubbing his back and tried to calm him down and eventually he fell asleep on me.

Tim's POV
I woke up from my nap and I wanted to see if max wanted to go get groceries with me but he wasn't in my room so I started looking around the house and found him in ross's room asleep with him and I did what any normal person would do. I took pictures

Ross pov
I woke up to some sound in my room and I look up to see Tim taking pictures of me and MAX?! What when did this happen. Wait he saw my cuts.. all the memories came back to me and I got up and locked the door so Tim couldn't get in and then I went over to the red head and kinda just stared at him for awhile

Hello! That was my first chapter and I hope you liked it and left a comment . Anyways thanks for reading and I'll cya later my egg people

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