Chapter 3-im bi

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So I'm trying to put different types of music up there but if you want to recommend and artist or a band then I will probably put the recommendations up there 👆

Anyways hello again and let's talk to Ross today! So Ross how are you?

Ross:I'm ok...

So are you ready for the shipping

Ross:what shipping?

Oh well your in for a treat let's just say that

Ross:telll meeee!

Nah I hope max is ready for all of the mithross


The readers know you like him

Ross:n-no I dont....

Fine be that way Baka

Anyways on with the story!


After we ate we went and got fruits and everything from the grocery store and then we want home and put everything up and by the time everything was done it was night so we both went to are rooms and slept since we have work in the morning

Time skip brought to you by max n cheese

Ross POV

Max and Tim were all ready up and ready so I hurried and took a bath (so his cuts wouldn't get wet) and then got ready in a t-shirt with a baggy hoodie and some blue jeans and then in my way out of the door max handed me a punch box with my name on it and he had his own and then we left for work

Adams POV

Jess was hanging out with me as we waited for max and Ross to get to work. I told her about them getting closer but I didn't mention the cutting and she was all for shipping them with me

Jess POV

IM SO EXCITED! Adam said we could have a game of truth or dare as a video and then Adam ,max,Ross, and I have a video to record together after it! My goal is to make them kiss or hold hands or something!

(Max,Tim, and Ross entered the building)



Ross:hi guys?

Adam:so we have a game of truth or dare to play

Jess:it's going to be me,you two,Adam,Barney (john),and red

Max:oh neat

Tim:I guess I'm editing everything then

Max:if you save me a few videos then I can do them later

Tim:thanks max(he said before he walked away)

Jess:anyways let's go get started!

Adams POV

we went and set up the cameras and sat on couches and started the game

Jess:we can start easy

Ross:ok I'm go first

Max:go for it

~Mithross~  (mithzan x yourpalross)Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora