Chapter 8-anime and chill

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Ross' Pov
Max hand my hand on the way home as I cried. I don't understand why they wanted to know so badly and why they would force me to tell them I mean it's none of there business.

Max:do you feel any better?

Ross:not really

Max:do you want to pick up some ice cream and have a anime night?

Ross:yes please

Max:well we are almost home so why don't I drop you so you can get ready and I'll go get ice cream

Ross:sounds like fun

Max:you can also go there my room if you need anything

Ross:thanks babe


Ross:I mean we are dating so why not have nicknames is secret

Max:sure then you can be my narwhal

Ross:sounds good Maxy

Max drops Ross off at the house and he leaves for ice cream

Ross' pov
The first thing I did was I set pillows in blankets in the living room then I wanted to get in pjs but I decided to snoop in Max's things. I went threw his closet and was looking at his clothes ,dang his small. Maybe I could wear one of his shirts....I grabbed one of his bigger ones then I took off my shirt and looked in the mirror I don't think I'm small enough but here it goes. I put the shirt on and it fit! I can wear it and it's not super tight on me!! I started to dance around and just smiling and I did see max in the door way smirking

Max:I see you wanted to try my clothes on

Ross:o-oh sorry I was just curious

Max:don't apologize. I love this


Max:I like you in my clothes it makes me happy plus it means your hard work is paying off

Ross:thank you max

Max:I'm so proud of you!

Max's pov

Ross basically ran to me and game me a big hug. Dang he looks good in my clothes and I love it and he's so happy now! Adam better not screw this up



Ross:can you wear some of my clothes


Ross' pov
Max went in my room and came out with a shirt they was pretty big on him but he looked adorable. We then sat down with 2 spoons and a tub of ice cream and started watching some jojo's bizarre adventures

Max's pov

We finished are tub of ice cream and it was getting really late then I look at Ross and he had fallen asleep on my shoulder and I just look at him and smile. I picked him up bridal style and brought him to his bed as I cleaned up are mess then I did the dishes and went to sleep with him since we had work tomorrow.

Time skip till next morning

Ross' pov
I woke up to the sound of  water flowing as max was taking a shower in the bathroom. I got out of bed and changed into a bit t-shirt and some jeans and then max left the bathroom to get ready and I went to brush my teeth

Max's pov

I was worried about Ross going to work today I mean I know the guys kinda pushed there limits and he probably doesn't want to see them.

To be continued

Hay sorry it's sort but I had a little bit of free time to upload so I wrote what I can but I hope you like it! I hope your day was amazing and goodbye

-love egg

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 01, 2019 ⏰

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