Chapter 2-lets do it together

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Hello! I hope you like the first chapter! What did you think max?


Oh come on max

Max:I think you changed my sexuality


Max:can we continue the story....

Anything for you max


Ross looked at me and I felt bad so I got up and started to walk towards the door but he grabbed my shoulder and looked at the floor. I'm assuming he wants me to stay so I sat back down and started to talk

Max:so when did this start?

Ross:the cutting or me being gay


Ross:well I was actually bi when we met but I was more interested in girls so I didn't worry about it but maybe a month ago I realized that girls no longer interested me and I grew affection for guys

Max:so you said you loved a straight guy


Max:who is it if I can ask?

Ross:w-well is rather not say.....

Max:I can understand that

Ross:anyways once I developed a crush I started cutting and hoping that the crush would go away

Max:why didn't you tell me about this?

Ross:I wasn't really ready

Max:well I'm going to get medicine and bandages and I'm going to fix all of those cuts and you are going to stop cutting


Ross POV

Max ran to his room to get the first aid-kit as I just sat on my bed and I looked at my arms then looked at a pictured max on my phone and I started crying again. Why am I so stupid! Why do I feel this way about my best friend! Before I could finish my thoughts max came back in my room and made me take my hoodie off again


I feel so bad for my best friend. Maybe if I was to tell him that I'm bi then he would feel better but I'm afraid that others will hate me for my sexuality. When I walk back in the room he was crying again but I need to get his arms fixed so I told him to take off his hoodie then I opened the med kit and started fixing his arms. He made a few sounds in pain because it stings when you put some medicine on cuts but it had to be done


these pictures I got are so cute! But I noticed in the picture Ross has cuts down his arm....I went back to his room and barely opened the door to see max fixing rosses cuts. I decided to call Adam and tell him

Adam:hay dude what's up?

Tim:I think max found out what's wrong with Ross.....

Adam:ok cool what is it?

Tim:well I peeked in rosses room and max was bandaging cuts down rosses arms

Adam:....your serious?

Tim:completely but I don't know why Ross cuts

Adam:well don't bring this up with anyone else and let's let max take care of it

Tim:I did get a cute picture of max and Ross

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