Chapter 5-Mine

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Hello Ross


So did you like that kiss?

Ross:what kiss..?

You and max. Duhh

Ross:what? How did you know we kissed?!

I know all

Ross:let's just continue

W-we kisses. He likes me! He really likes me! I later on my bed with a pillow in my arms just squeezing it out of excitement. Wait does this mean Ross is gay for me...he cut for me...I jumped out of my bed and ran back to Ross's room and unlocked it and I know this is going to be awkward but I need to know

Ross POV
After max left I just sat in my bed wrapped with blankets and smiled like an idiot. I can't believe we kissed! I soon heard a knock and then max just walked in and I started blushing like crazy so I covered my face halfway with covers.

Max:Ross we need to talk


(Max closes and locks the door then sat beside Ross in his bed)

Max:was I the reason you cut?


Max:Ross you need to tell me


I can't believe that I was the reason he did that to himself...before I knew it I was crying and couldn't stop. The idea of hurting my best friend that bad crushed me. I felt a pair of arms wrap around me to comfort me but I just started crying harder

Ross:shhh it's ok

Max:no it's not

Ross:yes it is

Max:Ross I'm so sorry

Ross:you don't have to apologize

Ross POV
Max lifts my sleeves to reveal the bandages on my arms and he turns to me and looks at my face. His eyes were puffy from the crying and he looked pitiful. I pull him closer to me



Max:why didn't you tell me you cut or that I was the reason

Ross:I didn't want you to hate me

Tim's POV
I was sitting on the couch and I see max run to his room in a rush then like 5 minutes later run to Ross's room. Then I decided to find out what's happening and when I got his room I heard max crying. I went to my room and did my own thing trying not to disturb them but I was curious why max was crying. He never cry's



Ross:d-do you like me....

Max:of course we have been best friends for years

Ross:I-I mean like romantically


I look at Ross as he said this and I could feel his shaking. Is he that nervous that I won't like him. For goodness sake I kissed him and loved it. I decided to respond my own way by pinning him to the bed




Max:I am bisexual. And yes I do like you but I'm afraid of the others and what they would say

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