Chapter 7-beautiful

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Sorry I'm slow on publishing 😅
Let's get started

Max:good morning beautiful

Ross:you are such a dork

Max:true but if it makes you happy then why not

Today was just for me and Ross. I made smoothies for the both of us then I got face mask since they are just fun to do. My plan was to have as much fun at home today as possible

Ross POV
Max pulled out some face mask which I was exited about then I can in my room and grabbed some board games and my snuggy. Then max ran in his room and got a bunch of pillows and some blankets and we laid everything out

Ross:this looks like so much fun!

Max:yeah since Tim isn't home I thought we could just hangout and have a good time

Ross:where should we start?

Max:well why not face mask?

Ross:I'm down

I helped Ross get his on and It was a paper mask and we cut them since we have beards. I started putting is one and it was cold and his reaction was hilarious

Ross POV
The face mask was really cold! I put his in him and he flinched at the wetness of the mask. After that we started playing the games

4 hours past

Knock knock

Ross:who would that be?

Max:I'll check


I went and checked the door and it was Adam Barney and red. I told ross and he said it was normal for two guys to be hanging and doing face mask. I opened the door and let them in

Adam:what are you two doing?

Ross:just hanging out

Red:do you normally do this?

Max:not really but I had two face mask so I asked if he wanted to hangout

Barney:where is Tim?

Ross:he's visiting family

Adam:well we were going to ask if you guys wanted to go to the beach with us


Adam:yeah there is one like an hour away

Max:do you wanna go Ross?

Ross:um sure but we need to get ready so can we meet you there?


Red:well cya soon guy

They all said good bye and left

Max:that was weird


Max:well we need to get ready

~Mithross~  (mithzan x yourpalross)Where stories live. Discover now