Save rosy

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They all went in to check on rosy to see how she was doing and to find out what was wrong with rosy but no one could figer it out. They go back out to sit and talk and wait once again but every one was really deperest. Josh started to cry like a little dog witch is really funny because he is a dog. Josh love rosy a lot he was hoping that she would not die. Josh thought over and over that rosy was going to die every time he cried even harder. That as he got calmed down and it was as quite as a little mouse. Their wasn't even a squire of a mouse it was that quite the house. Than all they here is a little girl winning and everyone thought it was so eles and not rosy so they waited. Five minutes later they heard the noise once more. Everyone that was sitting and talking jumps up to go see if it was rosy Josh was the first one in there because her was sitting right next to the door.

Josh say exspishly, " rosy it that you whinny if it is make anoughter."

Rosy said, " Josh baby I love you and yes it's me whinny my head hurts."

Josh crystal tears of joy and said, " I love you baby and you hit the ground pretty hard," Josh puesed. " Me and you ran

right into each other you fell and you have a little concussion."

Crystal says," Josh sweetie lets leave and let her get some sleep come on."

Josh replies," all right I will come back rosy but I have to go right now."

Crystal says," Josh you need sleep to go home and I will call you later."

Josh replies," I don't have a home I sleep on benches and eat school food my parents where killed."

Crystal, " oh you can with use than where just vampires and your just a where wolf what could go wrong."

Josh jumps up with excitement in his face he was ready to go find a room and un pack his back pack and hit the head. Than he stopped to think about where is his room and where does he sleep at in what room. I thought that they where going to make him sleep on the couch in the living room and did want to.

Josh stops and say, " where room at."

Crystal replies, " up stairs the to your right the third door down."

Josh say excitedly, " I don't have to sleep down stair on the couch thank you Crystal."

Crystal said," Josh sweetie you don't have to call me by my name you can call me mom."

Josh say," all right mom."

Josh runs up the stairs to go and to un pack his stuff in to his dresser and to check out his room.

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