Part One

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6:30 pm

Chief Prosecutor Office

October 21, 20XX

Miles was in his office setting up his chess table, Wright would be showing up shortly. To Phoenix's knowledge it was not going to be an evening about chess, but to work on some case files. Miles had an ulterior motive though, tonight he would once again tell Phoenix his feelings and decided doing it over a game of chess would benefit him best. "This isn't the first time you've told him." Miles thought to himself as he nervously placed the pieces to their respective sides of the board. He has told Wright multiple times before that he liked him.

As he sat down at his desk to wait for the arrival of the attorney he reminisced of all the time before he said those three words. The first time was after Edgeworth was cleared of the DL-6 incident, due to Phoenix's unwavering belief that Miles could never kill his own father even if it was considered to be accidental. After the trials were over they all went out to celebrate his freedom and Wright's impenetrable defense. Even though neither man thought such a celebration was necessary Maya, Gumshoe, and Larry convinced them otherwise. Larry picked out a pub that served great food but even better alcohol. Somehow Larry and Phoenix managed to get into a drinking contest while Gumshoe was teaching Maya how to play darts. Edgeworth sat in the booth with Larry and Wright. He watched his childhood friends smash through shots of cheap smelling rum. "I can't do anymore, dude!' Larry slurred loudly with Phoenix ahead if him three shots. "I'm going to the can, if I don't come out send someone in to retrieve my drunk ass." Larry stumbled to the direction of the bathroom.

Phoenix's face is bright red from all the alcohol intake. "Butz always quits when he knows he's losing." Phoenix said as he chuckled. "Yes, indeed, he always was a sore loser." Edgeworth replied as he glanced over at the drunken attorney, knowing he too was nearly, if not already, as drunk as Larry. He was honestly surprised that Wright wasn't in the bathroom with his head in the toilet like Larry was. "Yeah, Larry's an overall good guy though." Phoenix drunkenly slurred. "You're a good guy too Edgeworth, do-don't you dare let anyone tell you otherwise he continued. "Demon Prosecutor my ass!" A slight smile crept over Miles' face from hearing those kind words from someone he has feelings for, even if they were a bit stuttered and smelled of alcohol.

"This sounds terrible but I probably won't remember any of this in the morning." Phoenix laughed "I'm gonna have one hell of a hangover in the morning." His face appeared even redder than before. Edgeworth nearly had his glass to his lips when Wright blurted those words. "This is the opportunity you've been waiting for Miles." he thought to himself. "You can tell him how you feel." He placed his scotch back on the table. There wouldn't be any form of rejection and more than likely Wright would be too hungover in the morning to remember the night.

"Wright." Miles said sternly, his eyes serious. Phoenix raised his foggy head off the table and looked at Miles with a drunken soft smile playing across his lips. It caused Miles to blush a bit but he managed to say "I like you." He clenched his own right arm as he said those three simple words. Phoenix just sat there with his smile in silence and laid his head back on the table. Edgeworth sighed, it wasn't rejection at least, he was sure what he just said to the drunken attorney didn't register in his sleepy mind. Although he felt some relief from his emotions afterwards. Edgworth stood up and sternly said across the bar "Detective Gumshoe grab Larry out of the bathroom and take these two drunk fools home." "Yes sir, Mr. Edgeworth!" Gumshoe replied as he made way to the bathrooms. "Miss Fey I'll take you to the Gatewater Hotel for the night, you needn't watch this drunken idiot." he said as he looked down at the sleeping Wright hunched over the table with his arms sprawled out. "Thank you, Mr. Edgeworth. Make sure you send my hotel bill to Nick." she giggled as she approached the table. "Nick you disappoint me, you can't hold your liquor any better than Larry!" she said still giggling. Edgeworth also chuckled as she smiled at him.

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