Part Three

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It was nearly seven o'clock and Wright hasn't arrived yet. "I wonder what could possibly be holding him up this time." Edgeworth grumbled to himself. He walked over to his serving area and decided to make himself a cup of Earl Grey to calm his nerves. It was the same tea he had the night Larry called him at an absurd time in a panic. Miles remembers it all too well. Wright being the fool he is, fell forty feet into ice cold water from a burning suspension bridge. When Larry called and said "Nick could die!" he immediately jumped out of bed, got dressed, and booked a private jet. Miles was still studying different judicial systems abroad, so when he arrived he was already suffering jet lag. However it didn't stop him, he was too worried about the man he cared deeply for and what could possibly happen to him.

When he arrived at the hospital Larry bombarded him, his face covered in tears. "Edgey, you made it! Poor Nick might not make it!" Miles already spoke to the nurses on duty and learned Wright only suffered from some bumps, bruises, and a cold. Larry as usual was blowing things out of proportions and really didn't know Wright's current condition. "He'll be fine Larry." Edgeworth said annoyed. "Just a few bruises and a cold. They'll keep him overnight just as a safety precaution." "Poor Nick." Larry said again as he sat down. "Before I could even reach him, he was already gone." "You can't blame yourself Larry." Edgeworth said flatly. "Wright knew what he was doing before you even had a chance to realize." "Yeah" Larry sighed "You're probably right Edgey." Edgeworth walked over to Larry "Let me call you a cab, go get some rest."

With Larry sent home Miles decided to go and check on the sick and bruised attorney. When he arrived at the door of Wright's room, he took a long exhale. He knew Phoenix would be fine but seeing him lying in a hospital bed would definitely stir some inner emotions. He opened the door and peered inside. Phoenix laid there with an IV drip attached to his right arm and cords appearing out of his hospital gown and blankets covering his chest. His heart rate was normal as the machine kept it steady constant Beep sound. Miles walked over to the side of the hospital bed and looked down at Phoenix. He had a fever it was evident from the flush cheeks and sweat covered face. "Foolish man look what you've done to yourself now." he whispered to himself. He leaned down and kissed his forehead and whispered those three simple words "I like you."

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