Part Five

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A loud knock at his office door pulled Miles back to reality. "Come in." he said as he rose from his desk. "Sorry I'm late." Phoenix said with a bag of food and his briefcase in one hand and the coffees in the other. "Wright you're punctual as usual." Edgeworth said sarcastically. "Yeah, yeah." Phoenix sighed as he placed the coffees and bag on the large mahogany desk. He placed his briefcase on the couch and grabbed a sandwich from the bag and one of the coffees. "I went to the shop you're so fond of Edgeworth." Phoenix said as he unwrapped his sandwich "It was swamped with college kids." Miles was now seated back down at his desk. "Tsk, tsk. Now blaming the college kids for your tardiness." he said jokingly as he also unwrapped his sandwich. "That's not very appealing for the head defense attorney at Wright Anything Agency." Phoenix chuckled with his mouth full. He was wearing his blue suit, sky blue waistcoat, red tie, and the chain from the locket he used to wear around his neck, was now in his blazer pocket. His blue blazer was already off and laid across the back of the couch. "Damn that waistcoat makes him look even more attractive than before, it suits him well." Miles thought to himself.

    "So where's all these case files you wanted to go over Edgeworth? I'd expect you'd have everything prepared by the time I arrived." Phoenix said as he ate the last of his sandwich. Miles took off his glasses and started cleaning them, it became a terrible nervous habit. "I figured we could play a game of chess to clear our minds first Wright." Miles didn't look up from cleaning his glasses as he spoke. Phoenix tilted his head in confusion. "Not getting straight to work? This is a first Edgeworth." "True" Miles said as he placed his glasses back on. "Alright." Phoenix said as he rose to his feet. "I'll humor you for one game." He sat himself at the chess table with a smirk on his face. "Wright, am I sensing some Deja Vu?" Miles had a smirk on his face now as well. "That's definitely a possibility Edgeworth" Phoenix said as Miles sat himself across the table. "Since you invited me here, why don't you go ahead and start us off then?" "Fair enough" Miles replied. "I'll make my move." Phoenix watched with his head rested on his knuckles as his elbows were firmly set on the edge of the table.   

    As Edgeworth moved his first piece, hand trembling ever so slightly. He decided to say those three words, those three little words he said so many times before. "Wright... I- I like you." The clank of his piece hitting the table was the only sound that could be heard. He looked up and saw that Phoenix's gaze has not moved from him and that now he had a serious look on his face. It was the serious look Miles knew too well, the serious look Phoenix always wore in court. Phoenix picked up his chess piece to move as he spoke "This really is Deja Vu." His piece clanked on the table "I like you too." His cheeks started to turn pink after he spoke. Miles could feel his own face start to flush pink as well. He reached out to pick up his next piece. "Hold it." Phoenix said sharply. "What do you like about me, Edgeworth?" His cheeks were still pink but Phoenix had a coy look on his face, it appeared he was slightly teasing Miles. Unamused Miles leaned back into his seat, arms crossed with his right finger tapping on his left forearm. "You needn't ask Wright, isn't it obvious?" he asked as he looked into the deep cerulean blue pools of eyes that Phoenix wore so well. "Everything."

    "Everything?" Phoenix asked "Isn't that a little vague?" His head was tilted and he had a smirk once again playing across his face. "You're gonna have to give me more than that Edgeworth." Miles sighed and moved his piece on the board. "You're strength, is incomparable to others. Physically and mentally you are unshakable." He continued "Once you're determined of something there is no stopping you. Whether it's someone you care for or a client in need, you're determined to help." Miles could feel his face growing redder with each word. "I guess you're right." Phoenix chuckled "I'm always determined so help anyone even if they don't think they need it." He picked up a pawn and placed it on the board. "What else?" Phoenix asked. Miles knew tonight wasn't going to be easy but Wright just made it all the more difficult, it was nearly embarrassing at this point. "Your foolishly caring nature." Edgeworth said "You've put many before yourself, Miss Fey, Trucy, and even myself included. You've burdened yourself with the burdens of others." He continued on, not sure if he would ever stop now. "You're willingness to live life at the fullest even when life has been unfair to you. Fighting even though the odds are stacked unbelievably high, you somehow persevere. Maybe not completely unscathed but there you stand nonetheless with a smile on your face." Miles looked down and spoke shyly "Not to mention you're looks. You're spiky hair is something even I don't understand, it suits you well. Your many smiles from happy, awkward, to just plain foolish. Your eyes, I always seem to get lost in the deep blue. And my god man, when did you start wearing a waistcoat? To think you couldn't be any more attractive." Now Miles was just being cheeky, turning up the heat, hoping to make Phoenix uncomfortable. "You're beyond perfect and absolutely stunning."

    There was silence and Miles chest began to well up. He was now terrified that Phoenix didn't feel the same way and he made himself into quite the love-struck fool. It became agonizing as the seconds passed but before he realized what was happening Phoenix already knocked most of the chess pieces off the board and had grabbed him by the lapels of his suit bringing him to his feet and meeting his lips with a fully heated kiss. The unexpected Miles had to brace himself with his hands on the table causing the rest of the chess pieces to fall on the floor. The kiss was hard and forceful, but the force wasn't pain or anger. It was filled with Phoenix's feelings for Miles. Was he too carrying such feelings for the past eleven years? He pressed hard against Phoenix's lips and forced out all the emotions he held himself over the past eleven years from the first day he saw him in court until now. He wanted Phoenix to feel how much he truly cared for him. As the kiss continued it sent an electrical current throughout Miles' body. His mind, his everything began to tingle. He heard a deep throated moan from Phoenix as he parted Miles' lips with his tongue. He invited it in by meeting Phoenix's tongue with his own. This was what he wanted all these years, the love, the passion, and the fierce emotions. To be cared for by the only person he truly cared for. Miles, for the first time since he lost his father at a young tender age, felt pure, elated happiness, and utter bliss. And Phoenix must have felt it too or they wouldn't be embracing each other now.

    They finally managed to pull their lips away from the other. Both men still had pink flushed cheeks. Phoenix was looking into the deep gray eyes of the prosecutor with soft, happy smile. One hand still holding Miles' cheek, rubbing his thumb back and forth. "Sorry." he whispered softly. Miles slightly confused but returning his soft smile replied "Sorry? Wright, whatever for?" Phoenix released him and looked down towards the chess table. "I knocked all the pieces on the floor in the heat of the moment." he chuckled "Not to mention I completely knocked my chair over as well." Phoenix turned to place his seat right up again. Miles hadn't even noticed the chair was tipped over on the floor to begin with. His fingers were subconsciously touching his lips, they were still tingling from the emotion filled kiss Phoenix gave him. Miles' laughed "Clumsy as always Wright." Phoenix stood there with his right hand at the back of his neck with a embarrassed smile on his face.

    Miles walked over to where Phoenix was standing and pulled him in by the hips of his waistcoat for another deep heated kiss. But instead Miles whispered in his ear "So what do you like about me Wright?" Phoenix smiled running his fingers against the fringe of Miles' hair. "Everything." he replied. "Oh, tsk, tsk Wright! That didn't work on you, so surely it won't work on me." Miles said teasingly. Phoenix shook his head with a grin on his face and began to kiss him once again. Miles this time let out a deep throated moan, the kiss filled with just as much passion as the first. It became obvious that Miles wasn't going to get the answers he desired and it didn't matter. He was where he wanted to be and he knew one day Phoenix would tell him. "Phoenix..." he managed to get out in the kiss "I love you." Phoenix looked at him with Miles hands in his, Phoenix kissed them and brought them to his own chest. Still holding them he said "I love you too Miles."

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