1. I Need A Case!

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The door to 221B slams closed on someone who has just gone inside, upstairs in the flat, the living room door bursts open and Sherlock charges in, stopping just inside the room and slamming the end of a long pole down onto the ground. Sitting in his armchair, John looks round and his eyes widen at the sight of his flatmate, who is wearing black trousers and a white shirt and whose arms, face and shirt are covered with blood – far too much blood for it to be his own – and who is holding a harpoon. He looks round to John, breathing heavily.

"Well, that was tedious." Says Sherlock.

"You went on the Tube like that?!" Asks John.

"None of the cabs would take me."

He turns and leaves the room.

Later he is back in the room having cleaned himself up and changed into a clean shirt and trousers with one of his blue dressing gowns over the top. Elisabeth has is also there, sitting on the couch. Sherlock is still carrying the harpoon and is pacing rapidly between the door and the window, looking round repeatedly at Elisabeth who is looking through a newspaper.

"Nothing?" Asks Sherlock, impatiently.

"Military coup in Uganda." Answers Elisabeth.

Elisabeth chuckles in amusement when she sees something in one of the papers.

"Another photo of you with the, er ..." She says.

She points to a photograph of Sherlock wearing the deerstalker hat. Sherlock makes a disgusted noise and continues pacing. Elisabeth moves on to another newspaper.

"Oh, um, Cabinet reshuffle." Says Elisabeth.

"Nothing of importance? Oh, God!" Says Sherlock, stopping and slamming the end of the harpoon onto the ground with rage.

He looks round at John intensely.

"John, I need some. Get me some." He says.

"No." Refuses John.

"Get me some."

"No. Cold turkey, we agreed, no matter what."

Irritated, Sherlock leans the harpoon against the dining table.

"Anyway, you've paid everyone off, remember? No-one within a two mile radius'll sell you any."

"Stupid idea. Whose idea was that?" Says Sherlock

John looks round at him and clears his throat pointedly. Sherlock looks towards the door.

"Mrs Hudson!"

He starts hurling paperwork off the table, desperately searching for what he needs.

"Look, Sherlock, you're doing really well. Don't give up now."

"Tell me where they are. Please. Tell me."

As John remains silent, Sherlock straightens up and then turns his most appealing puppy-dog eyes on him, hesitating before he speaks and almost forming the word a couple of times before actually speaking it.

"Please." He says.

"Can't help, sorry." Answers John.

"I'll let you know next week's lottery numbers."

John chuckles.

"Oh, it was worth a try." Says Sherlock

He looks around the room, then gets inspired and hurls himself to the floor in front of the fireplace. Unearthing a Persian slipper from the pile of papers in front of the unlit fire, he holds it up and scrabbles about inside as Mrs Hudson arrives at the door and comes in.

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