Author's Note

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Well...Hi There.

Firstly, i would like to apologize for the lack of updates, for way too long. There really is no excuse for it.
Having said that, i will now throw excuses at you.
The previous book (The Art Of Deduction) was the first ever material i wrote, I had never written anything before, so i was extremely inexperienced, as I still am.
This book wasn't part of my original plan for the series. The original plan was for the first book to start as a full on detective story, and then slowly merge in to a detective-romance. So as i reached that crossover point and began writing it, i was scared. Because all i had ever written up until that point was pure detective. So I delayed it over and over, And that crossover point turned out to be very abrupt, and as an explanation, i decided to make this book. So i began writing this book with, again, little to no writing experience in romance. So, i was still scared, the updates got fewer and fewer and took longer to come out. And then i stopped.

I haven't written anything since then, except for a few lines and ideas that i may develop into different books away from this Sherlock series.

So...if you're reading this, chapter 11 is either already up. Or it's coming in the next few hours, maybe even tomorrow. Depending on how much time I take to get back into the swing of things.

I will finish this book and start the next in the series. So, if you hate this book, i do apologize... i will inevitably get better as i write more.

Anyways...that's enough rambling from me...
Let's get back to our Baker Street Trio



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