9. Abbott and Costello

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Doctor Stapleton can be seen handling a fluffy white bunny inside a large clear plastic dome. At the entrance gates, the Land Rover approaches and stops. An armed security man goes over to Sherlock's side while the dog handler and sniffer dog also approach.

"Afternoon, sir. If you could turn the engine off." Says The Guard

Sherlock hands over his ID pass and switches the car off.

"Thank you."

As he goes over to the gate room to swipe the card and other soldiers check the vehicle over from the outside, Sherlock speaks quietly to Elisabeth.

"I need to see Major Barrymore as soon as we get inside." Says Sherlock.

"Right." Says Elisabeth.

"Which means you'll have to start the search for the hound."


"In the labs; Stapleton's first."

The guard brings back the ID card and hands it

"Could be dangerous." Says Sherlock.

Elisabeth smiles momentarily. The gate slides open and Sherlock starts the car and drives onto the base.


The major sits at his desk talking snarkily to Sherlock and John who are standing in the doorway.

"Oh, you know I'd love to. I'd love to give you unlimited access to this place. Why not?!" He says.

"It's a simple enough request, Major." Says John.

"I've never heard of anything so bizarre." Says Barrymore.

"You're to give us twenty-four hours. It's what we've... negotiated." Says Sherlock.

"Not a second more. I may have to comply with this order but I don't have to like it." Replies Barrymore.

He swings around to his computer on the desk behind him as Sherlock and John leave the office.

"I don't know what you expect to find here anyway."

"Perhaps the truth." Says Sherlock, turning back.

"About what? Oh, I see. The big coat should have told me."

Sherlock frowns.

"You're one of the conspiracy lot, aren't you?"

He grins as Sherlock rolls his eyes.

"Well, then, go ahead, seek them out: the monsters, the death rays, the aliens."

"Have you got any of those?" Asks Sherlock.

Now it's Barrymore's turn to roll his eyes.

"Oh, just wondering." Says Sherlock

"A couple. Crash landed here in the sixties. We call them Abbott and Costello." Says Barrymore.

He straightens up and turns back to his computer.

"Good luck, Mr Holmes."


Henry is in the sitting room holding a framed photograph of himself when he was about five years old standing in between his parents. As he sits clutching the photograph he gazes into the distance with a lost expression on his face but gradually exhaustion begins to claim him and his eyelids start to droop. Eventually his eyes close completely – and immediately the red glowing eyes of the hound flash in his mind. Gasping in horror, Henry opens his eyes again, and then wails in anguish.

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