4. Priority Ultra

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Sherlock drives up to the main complex at Baskerville, parks the car and they get out. Another soldier leads them through barriers and towards an entrance to the main building. As they walk, Sherlock looks around at all the military men patrolling the area, many of them armed. Even the scientists in lab coats are being escorted. As they approach the entrance, a military jeep pulls up and a young corporal gets out.

"What is it? Are we in trouble?" Asks The Corporal.

"Are we in trouble, sir?" Corrects Sherlock.

"Yes, sir, sorry, sir."

Nevertheless, he steps in front of them and holds out his hands to prevent them getting nearer to the entrance.

"You were expecting us?" Asks Sherlock.

"Your ID showed up straight away, Mr Holmes. Corporal Lyons, security. Is there something wrong, sir?" Asks The Corporal.

"Well, I hope not, Corporal, I hope not."

"It's just we don't get inspected here, you see, sir. It just doesn't happen."

"Ever heard of a spot check?" Asks John.

He takes a small wallet from his pocket and shows the ID inside to the corporal.

"Captain John Watson, Fifth Northumberland Fusiliers." Even before John finishes speaking, the corporal comes to attention and salutes. John crisply returns the salute.

"Sir. Major Barrymore won't be pleased, sir. He'll want to see you."

"I'm afraid we won't have time for that. We'll need the full tour right away. Carry on." Says John.

The corporal hesitates.

"That's an order, Corporal."

"Yes, sir."

He spins around and walks towards the entrance. Sherlock glances across to John with a proud smile on his face as they follow. At the entrance, which is marked "AUTOMATIC SECURITY DOOR," Lyons swipes his pass through a reader, then waits for Sherlock to walk over and do the same with his own pass. The message "ACCESS GRANTED" appears on the reader. Lyons then presses a button and the locks on the door disengage. Sherlock checks his watch.
Elsewhere, probably a long way from Baskerville, a message flashes up on a screen:

CCV1 • security authorization requested •
holmes, mycroft • priority ultra
processing CCV1 •
5555*0000*x1 //5894

The security request begins to process. At Baskerville, the door swings open and Lyons leads the other three inside, taking off his beret as he goes.

"Nice touch" Says Elisabeth.

"Haven't pulled rank in ages." Says John

"Enjoy it?"

"Oh yeah."

Reaching the door, Lyons swipes his pass and then steps aside for Sherlock to do likewise. As he does so and another "ACCESS GRANTED" message appears, the authorisation request is sent out again. The doors slide opens and reveal an elevator on the other side. Lyons leads them inside and Sherlock looks at the wall panel. The lift, now on the ground floor, only goes downwards to five floors marked -1, -2, -3, -4 and B. Lyons presses the -1 button and the doors close, opening shortly afterwards on the next floor down. Lyons leads them out into a brightly lit and white tiled laboratory. As they walk forward, various scientific staff dressed either in white coveralls including full breathing masks, or in lab coats and face masks walk around the lab. There are large cages to the right of the elevator and as Lyons leads the way past them, a monkey screams and hurls itself at the bars towards them. Elisabeth spins on her heel as she passes the cage, looking at the monkey and the chain around its neck.

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