Chapter 1

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"Excuse me?"

"You know what I asked. Why are you pulling away? You've been so damn distant lately," Carter questioned.

Margaret racked her brain for an answer. A simple one that could sum up the extremely complicated emotions that had been plowing through her brain.

"I'm not doing it on purpose," Margaret lied "I just had a change in mindset that I can't figure out how to handle quite yet." Closer to the truth.

"Then talk to me. I have always handled your crazy. Why should these circumstances be any different? Nothing should be this hard to tell m-"

"YOU don't know what the hell you are talking about. There are some things that you simply don't need to know or understand. I can deal with it myself. I don't need my parents, a shrink, or an overbearing best friend to add on to the weight already on my shoulders."

The look Margaret got in return was cold. Carter stood up off the top stair and stepped down but turned back around.

"There's a party down these steps. One that I intend to enjoy with or without you. Whatever shit is going on, I need you to give me back my friend...I'll pretend this conversation didn't happen and that you didn't just call me a burden to your life."

She held out her hand in an expectant gesture. "You coming?"

Margaret stared at Carter's hand without giving a response. Carter realized a response wasn't going to be returned and ran the same hand through her hair. She turned to leave.

Margaret grabbed her hand. "Wait! I just-" and she simply stared at Carter...

Then kissed her.


I hope you enjoyed that. This chapter is so short, my bad.


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