Chapter 6

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*i just give out dedications to those who add this to their library, vote, or comment. I honestly just want to keep you reading tbh. But like thank you*

~We gon fast forward to Saturday~

That morning, Margaret invited Charlotte over so that they could make some plans. They were riding in Charlotte's car because Margaret's was still in the shop.

"Just double checking, your parents don't mind, right," Margaret asked.

"Nah, my parents don't really want me home. They just want me to avoid stupid shit. Something along the lines of 'We can't have you fucking things up again. Behave or you're going to boarding school.' How about yours," Charlotte replied.

"Mom's out of town. Dad won't even leave his study, so I don't think he'll notice. I wrote a letter saying I'm on a trip with Carter."

Charlotte scrunched her eyebrows but didn't question it.

They stopped at a 7-11 to buy a crap ton of snacks and soda. Margaret didn't notice the packs of beer until they hit the highway. They must've been bought when Margaret went to the bathroom.

"Why are the hell did you get beer," Margaret asked.

"Why not?"

"Why not," Margaret scoffed incredulously, "Because everyone going to this party is under aged."

"Hmm," Charlotte used to dismiss Margaret's worry.

"How the heck did you even buy it," Margaret questioned suspiciously.

"That's on a need to know basis, and you, beautiful, don't need to know."

Charlotte reached over and turned on the radio. Paramore blasted through the speakers and Margaret took this as her chance to observe Charlotte.

Her hair was pink, a color Margaret hated, but thought looked stunning on Charlotte. There were freckles dusted across her face and Margaret admired how she didn't even attempt to cover them like many other girls do. Margaret couldn't help but notice how beautiful Charlotte's hazel-green eyes reflected the sun light.

~I should be over all the butterflies but I'm into you

And even baby our worst nights

I'm into you~

Margaret woke from her reverie and turned to look out the window, slightly confused at the blush that she felt creeping up her face.

The rest of the ride turned into a Q&A.

Charlotte had spoken up first. "Do you have any siblings?"

"Nope, but my best friend and I used to be like sisters, so I never really had a chance to 'miss' out on anything. Okay, are the rumors true?"

"Which ones," Charlotte replied slyly.

"The one where you already slept with 3 people."

"Hah, not true. I make quick work, but not that quick. Where did that one spring out of?"

"A lot of girls have been talking about you, so I just eavesdropped. There are so many of epic proportion. For instance, you got kicked out of your old school for posting up posters of gay sex," stated the last part giggling.

Charlotte didn't even blink. "It had to be done."

"Wait," Margaret shouted. "You actually did?"

"Yeah, but that's not the one I got kicked out for. They couldn't prove it was me. They just knew."

Margaret stared at her in complete and utter shock. "You're actually crazy," she whispered.

"Oi," Charlotte said back "Miss goody two shoes, you mean to tell me that you've never done anything rebellious?"

"I kinda need a clean record. My mom constantly reminds me that the stupid things she had done when she was younger was precisely what held her back from good colleges and that's why she's not successful."

"Your mom must've been lit as fuck if she did shit that bad."

"That's one way to look at it. Hey, if you were so bad at your old school, why haven't you shown any of those traits here? I mean, you haven't even pissed a teacher off."

"Well, I kinda need to get my shit together and my parents are two seconds from sending me to the military. Also, I was too occupied trying to make sure you got home safe to plan any schemes. Despite how bitchy I may seem, I actually like you and I have a feeling that if I began a new bad streak, we won't be friends. I have every intention of sticking around you."

Margaret had no other response than a murmured 'Oh'.

"Well," Charlotte began again in a lighter tone. "It's my turn to question you. Who is that Carter girl?"

Margaret folded her hands in her lap. "Um, she was my best friend. She lives a few blocks from us but not too far. We had a -er- falling out before the school year began."

"Oh, did it have something to do with Mr. Mikel? An unrequited love?"

"Something along those lines," Margaret murmured.

The air seemed to grow dense. It wasn't tension, just awkward. Margaret felt the need to question her some more.

"What's your natural hair color?"

"Brown. I bleached it to achieve the perfect pink."

"So is pink your favorite color," Margaret asked.

"Nope," Charlotte popped the 'p'. "My favorite color is blue, but, in the words of my mother, 'You can be as gay as you like as long as I can't see it' and apparently blue is a gay color to have."

Margaret laughed at that comment and was about to ask another question when the realization of what was said rang through her mind.

"Wait, you're... you know...," she questioned. Margaret confused herself when her voice sounded a tad... hopeful.

"A lesbian. Yes. It's not a cursed word, ya know." Irritation seemed to seep into her tone.

"N-no. I didn't mean that it's bad thing... I just... It's different, and as you can tell, different isn't common in this town. People should let others use their heart in whatever manner. It's no one's business who you love other than your own. Close minded people need to go jump off a dam."

Charlotte snorted at that. As Margaret seemed to get more worked up, a southern drawl became clearer to hear. "You know, your cute when you break out the accent," Charlotte jested. "If I didn't know any better, I'd think I found myself my own hillbilly."

Margaret laughed at this comment too. "No, in all honesty," Charlotte began in a more sober tone. She paused. "Are you gay?"

"You're joking, right?"

Charlotte shakes her head.

"Um, okay then. I don't think so," Margaret answers hesitantly.

"Great," a smile lit up Charlotte's face. "That gives me some wiggle room. By the time I'm done with you, you'll know."

"Wait, what do you me-"

"I think we're here."


I legit just smashed chapter 6 and 7 together and now I have to move everything and Wattpad is not the easiest to edit in. Love ya. 

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