Chapter 12

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"God, you look amazing."

Charlotte had been nowhere to be found and Margaret believe that what the had done did not really hit her until Monday morning.

It had been two days so thee hair was "old news", but that didn't stop everyone from staring anyway. Mikel looked at her as if he didn't know who she was.

"Okay... The hair. You look hot. Not saying you didn't look hot before, but you're"

Its comedic how just yesterday she was walking around flaunting it, but now she can't even take a compliment from her boyfriend.

"Thanks. Truth or dare was taken up a level the other day at Charlottes so..."

"Oh, was it a party?"

"no just us chilling. One of those nights of just boredom."

"He was silent for some time. Their focus was supposed to be on their art, but Margaret just couldn't stop the nagging feeling that something she said bothered Mikel.

"Hey, um... Did I just upset you or..."

He sighed before putting his pencil down. "Its just that since we started this dating thing, I though that at some point there would be just you and me and this new girl from wherever sees you more than I do. It would be cool if we could have one time together"

"So, your jealous"

"don't be a bitch, Margaret."

From across the room a pencil was slammed onto a desk as the looked in their direction. They quickly resumed their work. Margaret is the one who sighed this time

"Sorry and I understand. It's just that every time I wanna hang out you have...them around and it makes me uncomfortable. How about we chill together t your place, up in the castle. No one else."

"Friday sound good?"

Margaret smiled and shook her head yes. "Friday sounds perfect"

They continued their work until the bell rang and they walked hand in hand into the cafeteria where they separated and went their separate ways. Mikel went to his table. He smiled as he heard her laugh from across the cafeteria. She glowed more than ever. He just wished he was the reason.

"-Right? Mikel!"

Mikel was startled out of his staring. The table was staring at him for a reply. Dozily, he asked "What?"

"The plans for my birthday. Weed and beers at the hideout. I can't turn 18 without you."

"You won't. Nothing could keep me from setting this up for you."

Jay looked at him and raised his eyebrow. "Not even that princess girlfriend? We all know she think she's better that us."

The table laughed with a lot of "as ifs" and "little miss perfect" in mocking voices.

"Naw man. One, she's simply sheltered. Margaret doesn't understand. Two, you are the only person I've known longer than her, so you get seniority."

"You'd think she would feel the same way." Carter spoke out from across the table. She looked him in the eyes as if she was trying to say more but couldn't.

The lunch bell rang, and they all were rushing out. Mikel felt a hand grab him and turned to see Carter.

"Hey Mickey," Carter shouted over the noise. "How are you? You seem out of it."

"She's changing. And I'm not sure it'll be in my favor." "He laughed as if it was some hilarious joke. "So, this is what I put her through in middle school? We went from seeing each other to not at all and it was undeniably my fault. I don't know what's happening to you two, but she's too good to lose... Especially twice." He shook his head.

Carter chose her words carefully "What happened is sort of similar to what's happening to you." She took another pause. "This new girl... she's gonna break her heart and leave her behind." She walked a few paces in front of him and turned around. "And Margaret will come running back to us. As long as you don't fuck up, that is. I'd hate to be all she has left."


Could yall feel that? The TEA. The THREAT. Carter is not here to fuck around. 

I know this chapters a shortie, but it's worth it in the long run and maybe I'll do what I did with 6 and 7, with combining them into one big mosh posh.

Love ya,

~J A D A~

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