Frozen frantic

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My suspicions were cleared up once I saw a Pikachu-shaped hole in the ground, finding the Pokémon shivering violently as it lied there, completely unconscious. I was shocked, to say the least, but quickly rushed myself over and picked it up with Psychic, taking shelter in a nearby cave where I'd set up a temporary station. Lighting a fire along with my ears, I wrapped him up in a blanket and kept his unconscious form in my lap, just far enough away from the fire to slowly warm him up in case he had frostbite. While I waited for him to wake back up, I gently pet the top of his head and watched the snow fall. It took a while before he woke up, but once he did and he got a look of his surroundings, he let out a relieved sigh.

"H-Hey, you're awake! What happened out there? Did you lose your trail while you were walking?" I asked as I loosened up his blanket, put him down sitting up, and gave him a warm cup of hot chocolate I made over the fire. "You're lucky I found you when I did, I was just about to head back and didn't see anyone else go up there. What's your name?"

"M-M-My n-name is E-Eric... A-And, y-yeah, I was w-wandering a p-p-path wh-when I l-lost where I-I was g-g-going... L-Lost my g-g-gear and a-all... B-But th-thanks..." He replied, his voice higher pitched for a male but quite soothing. He blew on the hot chocolate before taking a couple sips, placing it back down when he was done with a satisfied sigh. He was still shaking, but it had gone down from when I first found him.

"It's pretty late out, man... We're gonna need to get you home, but in your condition I'm not too sure how." I got up and took a deep breath before sighing as I paced around the cave. "I could definitely use Psychic to carry you, but you'd probably freeze again, and I don't have enough gear for you... Walking around with my ears lit up could work, though your feet would be... Quite frozen. Any ideas you've got?" I asked, my pacing coming to a stop in front of him.

"Mmm... Y-Your breath smells n-nice... S-Such a nice m-m-maw t-too..." Eric murmured to himself, making me blush wildly as I realized not only was he staring at me, but my maw was definitely still open. Not all the way, but enough for his lower form to see in. My stomach let out a hungry growl as I stared at him, making me turn around and cover my face with my scarf as I was too flustered to do anything.

"Th-Thanks..?" I eventually responded as I crawled back over and sat down next to him. "I-I can't say I don't normally have Pokémon paying attention to my mouth, but... What about it is so captivating?"

"W-Well, t-to me, i-it just looks l-like i-it's real s-s-soft, and... S-Seems l-like it'd be r-r-really warm..." Eric said while he placed a paw on my lips and pried my mouth open. I panicked and tried to close my mouth, but he pushed his paw inside. "R-Really soft... S-So warm..." He tasted like almost cherry-like, which made me sheepishly begin to lick his paw with a blush - I definitely enjoyed his taste.

"M-Mmnph... A-Are you sure..?" I eventually asked as I pulled his now-wet paw out of my maw, knowing exactly where he was going with this. It wasn't exactly a secret to most Pokémon that I, unlike probably any other Pokémon, liked to - and could safely - eat and let out others. I'm sure he recognized me and decided he'd give it a shot to see how it was, since most of the comments I got were really positive. "I-I could definitely do that, b-but..."

"I-I've always w-w-wanted t-to see i-it. C-Come on, V-Vic~." He said, moving closer to me as he placed his clean paw on my rumbling stomach.

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