Frosty food

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I was very taken off guard by Eric's eager and willingness to be eaten, but with me being hungry and him being cold and needing transport, it seemed like the best I could do for us both. I had doubts and was quite anxious about it this time since it was an on-the-job meal consisting of my... client? Follower? Guest?

"I-I... Alright, but I'm letting you out before we get into town. I'm not gonna go into town lugging around a huge gut, alright? And I better not find you out in the snow again just for this... I'm coming better prepared next time." I said after letting out a defeated sigh as I watched his thrilled self throw off his blanket and throw up his paws in joy.

"Th-Thank you so m-much, V-V-Vic! And I-I promise I'll be m-more careful next time, s-so don't w-w-worry a-about th-that~." He happily said as he made his way over to me. I only now realized he was a full four inches taller than me, which wasn't exactly a problem, but if anyone saw me they'd immediately know I ate someone - not that it would be a secret if he were my height or smaller either, though. "I-I'm ready."

"Alright..." I say, taking a deep breath and sighing. "Can't believe I'm doing this on the first day on the job..." I murmured to myself as I picked up Eric with Psychic and hovered him above my head. I took one more deep breath before I opened up my maw and slowly began to lower him into my mouth bottom paws first.

I was immediately overwhelmed by that cherry-like taste again with a mouthful of Pikachu paws, which made me drool quite a bit. I might've loved his taste a bit more than I should've. His fur brushed against my tongue and tickled the back of my throat once his paws made it there, making me wince a little as I took a small gulp. I could see his eager smile as he began to playfully squirm around a little, giggling to himself as a bulge appeared in my throat where his paws were at. Gulp, glrk, glrp~. Each swallow brought more and more of his fluffy and delicious body further into my maw and down my throat. It didn't take too long for me to begin to feel his paws enter my stomach, causing it to bulge out slowly but steadily as more and more of him entered.

I placed a paw on my bulging stomach and gently rubbed it as it slowly grew, the hungry rumbling I heard and felt before dying down. Within a little while, all that remained outside of my maw was his head, his face still stuck with an eager smile. I stopped using Psychic and pressed my paw against the top of his head, pushing him into my maw as I licked his face over as a playful tease for a little bit. Then, with one final gulp, I sent his body down my throat and into my gurgling stomach with a contented sigh and deep breaths.

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