Part III: Rouge One

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Chapter I

Luna opened her eyes before getting up out of bed and quickly dressing. It wasn't long before her hair was done, hood was up, and her mask, which covered half her face, from her nose to her chin, was in place. As soon as these things were assured she left her chambers, walking down the nearly abandoned black halls of her Master's fortress. Luna and Vader had only just arrived the day before. It was time for another one of her Master's suit updates, which was most likely nearing completion by now.

But until then, Luna had to wait, either for Vader to call on her, or for the arrival of Krennic.

Just hearing his name irked Luna. He was the head of the Emperor's most prized project: the Death Star, which had only just been completed and may have just had its first test done.

There also seemed to be a possible leak regarding key information that the Rebels may have managed to get their hands on, but as of yet, there was no proof that the Rebels had gained anything substantial. Luna quite honestly didn't have a true opinion on the matter, she detested the Death Star project, just as much if not possibly more so than her Master, the thing was an abomination of all things natural in the Force with its destructive power, but it was the Emperor's pet project, and if he got displeased....

It was never any good for anyone involved.

As of yet, neither Luna or Vader had been called to get involved with the matter, and Luna sincerely hoped it stayed that way. She never liked to draw the Emperor's attention to herself, part instinct and part insistence from her Master.

Luna felt as if she had been fairly lucky that it had remained that way so far. She had only just arrived back at the fortress when she received the information of a possible test on Judha and the leak. By that point, Krennic had made it known that he was going to investigate the research base the leak originated from.

If Luna had arrived any earlier, she would have probably been sent to deal with the matter as well. As it was, she was just getting back from her most recent mission and hadn't known anything about it until the intelligence commander told her. By that point, her Master was already having his suit worked on, so no one had told Vader about it, not that they would have gone directly to him anyways. Everyone under Vader's command tended to try and use Luna as a buffer to direct any anger away from themselves, and in this case, while it was pressing, instead of risking Vader's wrath at being both disturbed and the potential explosive problem of the news, the commander had opted for Luna. It was big enough of an issue that Luna had wasted no time in gathering all information and risking her Master's displeasure herself by entering his personal chambers. In her opinion, the commander should have gone straight to Vader as soon as he had heard of the possible leak.

She had then immediately informed Vaneé who had then informed Vader, even Luna wasn't allowed in while her Master was in the bacta tank. Vader then ordered for Krennic to come to Mustifare to speak with him due to the fact her Master was quite interested to see how well the mainly incompetent Director was handling things. Luna had been ordered to rest and prepare for Krennic's arrival. Apparently, despite Luna's greatest efforts, Vader had been able to sense her exhaustion from the previous mission and the lightspeed lauge. It was that or he didn't particularly feel like sending her off to deal with something that was theoretically in safe hands. Either way, it kept her, and by a larger extent, him, out of the mess for the moment.

Amazing how much a bond can grow over a few years. It had been about three years since Vader had rescued Luna. Throughout all that time, most of her memories had remained lost. Sometimes she would remember images and words, but never much more than snipits nor the names of those she could recall images of.

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