Chapter Four - Week 3

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"Bye babe! Remember, be home by 6. I have a surprise for you." Lizzy said while wiggling her eyebrows making me laugh and nod. She gave me a kiss before I leave to go to Cara's house.

I walked into her house and went into her bedroom. I finally notice that she never comes down to her living room or to the kitchen. She didn't ate the soup I made, she was still cold as heck.

I wrap her around with a blanket and carried her. She leans her head on my chest again, and has a small smile plastered on her face. I didn't even complain. I feel...actually comfortable carrying her around. Especially when I carry her at her backyard and to her garden.

Her roses are blooming so quickly and beautifully. It's been 3 weeks now and I feel really comfortable around Cara again. I notice how she breathes heavily when she sleeps.

And she has gotten lighter and very thin and her caramel skin color is slowly loosing its color. Man, she needs to eat and to warm herself. I carried her into the kitchen and made her sat on the stool. She looks really tired. Not wanting to bother her, I cooked her a hot soup. "You need to eat." She didn't say anything but hung her head down, as if she's sleeping.

I slowly grab her chin and gently lifted it to make her face to me. Her brown eyes full of love, happy, sad, and anger are now full of emptiness. And there are black bags underneath them. She slowly nods her head and I began to feed her.

After feeding her, I carried her into her bedroom and lay her on her bed. I covered her petite body with the blankets and instead of leaving so quickly. I decided to lay beside her, and embrace her in my arms.

I wanted to cry. I wanted to hit myself. I have just realized something. Do I still care for her..? Do I-I have feelings for Cara again? Ignoring my thoughts, I focus on Cara who is still shaking and trembling. I wrap my arms around her tightly to keep her warm.

Thirty minutes later, Lizzy called saying she's waiting impatiently for me. I checked the time and to see it's 7:39 pm. Wow. I look at Cara who is now sleeping peacefully, no more trembling and coldness. I leaned down and kissed her forehead and slowly leaned down to her lips and kissed it.

It feels so soft and so right. I gently pulled away from her, as my hand plays with her brown curls. "I have to go Cara. I'll be back okay? Goodbye." And with that, I left her bedroom and her house, but I have to lock it to keep her safe and her house secure.

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