Hey, Just a Tip

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Dear Reader,

Heyo😊, I'm glad you're taking the time to check this story out. This book has "layers" to it that may be confusing at first. If you ever want some clarification, check out the "Shepherd:Prologues" and especially the "Shepherd: Guide". The Prologues cover why the relationships between certain characters are the way they are. Now as of right now, not all the chapters are there😅but they will be added as soon as possible. As for the "Shepherd:Guide", they are all complete and describe the diction that is used and how the hierarchy works in this world. I may add more to it as the main story's chapters are added just so I don't spoil anything too soon.

Anyways, hope you enjoy the book😊. It's a little slow at first though, I will admit that😂but you'll be fine.

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