Brace Yourself

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           I try to brace myself for what's to come:  shards of iridescent light spiral together in front of me. The small shield I envisioned in my head, is now in my hand and I raise it, blocking my chest. Gabriel's powers are eminating from his body, even from his eyes, it's like he's charged up for something. He races in front of me, how did he get so fast all of the sudden? I really don't know. Before I can comprehend what he's doing, he shoots a bolt of his energy at my dagger. As his plasma bolt hits the dagger, the impact is so bright it outshines the sunlight coming in from the windows.
          I close my eyes, then a weird feeling comes over me, as if lines were be in drawn all over my body. Splitting and opening, I'm in pain now, as an aching feeling spreads throughout my body. I collapse onto the floor. Still conscious, but not wanting to be at this point. Before I realize it, I'm shaking and Gabriel looks over at me, his eyes still glowing with energy.
           "Jesus Christ, are you okay?" He reaches out to me and grabs my hand, pulling me up off the floor. The jagged pieces of my dagger that have scattered everywhere start to dissipate into a sparkly gas. I can't feel my legs as Gabriel takes me back to the couch to lay down. And yet, I can't take my eyes off of it: the dagger that once was. The gas floats over to me and seeps into my body, the feeling is relieving, almost like a warm shower or drinking a cold glass of water. Before I know it, all the pain I felt earlier goes away and I can feel my legs again. But there's still some damage left on the stairs and hardwood floor.
           Gabriel's eyes are back to normal, but his face is stuck in a gaping expression. I smile nervously, I don't know what the hell just happened either. My sister was there the whole time watching everything that just happened in the last three minutes. Yeah, that all happened in about three minutes. My dad is doing yard work and my mother is in such a deep sleep upstairs that I don't think she knows Jordan is even here right now. The kids (except for Josiah), are over at a friend's house now and won't be back until eight. So that's great, if any one of them saw this, they would freak out. Probably never hear the end of it. Gabriel is  finally able to move his mouth now.
           "Ummmmm, was that the knife you were going to show me?"
           "And didn't it just try to kill you?"
            I smirk, "Ohhh did it? I thought it was trying to protect me."
           Gabriel smiles annoyingly, "Ah so you got jokes, huh? Didn't I just save you like a few minutes ago?"
          I smirk, "You simply overreacted, I didn't need to be saved, Gabriel."
          Before he could retaliate further, Jacqueline comes to us with Josiah in her arms.
          "Niombe, what the hell was that? Did your Manifest just try to kill you?!" Josiah just smiles and claps; he is such a fucking cutie pie.
          Gabriel hops out of the couch, "Yes it did and I saved her."
           I roll my eyes, "Anyways, that is what I  was planning on talking to you about. That dagger…was my first weapon." Jacqueline stares at me for a moment then puts Josiah down and pulls a chair in front of us. Out of what I assume is wariness, Gabriel decides to sit near Josiah on the floor.
           "If that's what's up, then give me your hands." Her pupils start to glow a brilliant purple as I give them to her.

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