Chapter 2

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Yoongi wondered why Unimportant had not replied in days. Maybe they were embarrassed? Nervous?

They were definitely not nervous.

The only reason Yoongi could send back letters was that one day he found a note on his desk that was signed Unimportant and the locker number.

Strangely he hadn't seen them at their locker at all. They were sneaky that's for sure. Yoongi addressed them as they because he didn't know the gender of the mysterious writer.

He wanted to get to know them better.

He wanted their name which he knew he would never get even if he tried. It would probably be a mystery forever , he was never destined to be a detective so what do you expect?

Ever since 'they' stopped giving writing to him he had felt sad. He liked the little notes he got everyday , they made his day better. His home life wasn't great so writing to them and them writing back was his escape from reality.

He had friends , they where also his escape. He hated his parents but that story is for another time.

He would wait for another note , he would wait forever. it was obvious that they had been embarrassed about called him beautiful but he didn't mind.


𝚗𝚘𝚝𝚎𝚜. 𝖸𝖮𝖮𝖭𝖬𝖨𝖭Where stories live. Discover now