Chapter 7 (ENDING)

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Chapter 7 , the ending chapter.



Jimin had grown up and he wanted to move back to were his childhood town was. Taehyung and Jungkook had told him that he could stay with them, in their shared apartment. Apparently they had room.

Jimin took the train to the town , it wasn't far away from were he and his Parents lived. All he did in the train was listening to music and reading. It had been a long time since he seen his friends and he never forgot about Yoongi.

He knew he was going to where he left Yoongi but he honestly just thought he would've moved away after he finished school as well.

He was excited to his friends after such a long time. All he could think about was this day. He had still been in contact with them of course.

He still had Yoongi's number but they never talked , it was heartbreaking to talk to each other since the day he left.

The Train finally stopped at Jimins destination and he hopped off onto the busy streets. It was near Christmas so everyone was trying to do their Christmas shopping.

He ran through the crowd and when he got out he looked at his phone. Taehyung had told him the address and he had forgotten so he went into his contacts and found out what the address was and started to make his way there.

It was freezing so he was so relieved every step he took because he knew it was a step closer to warmth.


When Jimin was walking he got pulled into a alley way. He was shocked as it happened. He hid his face as he thought it was someone who wanted to bear him up.

Nothing happened.

He peeked through his fingers and seen someone who he thought he would never see again.


" Jimin? "


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