Chapter 5

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Chapter 5

Jimin came home from school , happy the day was over. He walked into the kitchen to see his mother staring him down , it was an angry stare.

Jimin awkwardly smiled and walk closer to his Mother. "H-hi!" His Mother shoved pieces of paper in her sons face. Jimin knew what they were , they were Yoongi's notes. " What? " His Mother sighed.

"Is this Min Yoongi?"

" Yes , why? "

"Don't be around him anymore."

" why?! "

"He's the one with a bad reputation and he threw a rock at my car window , that's why I got a new one!"

" fine then. "

Jimin left and walked up the stairs to his room. He didn't know that Yoongi had a bad reputation , he just thought he was a normal high school boy. Nope. He had done some stuff.

Jimin wasn't going to throw away the chance to sit with Yoongi at school the next day , plus his Mother would never find out.


His Mother was a teacher at his school. He'd have to be sneaky about it he guessed.

"Big sad" Jimin pretended to cry. He laughed at himself and fell back on his bed. "If my Mother finds out I don't fucking give a shit." Jimin smiled at his own comment and closed his eyes.

He had a long day at school okay?!


"Hi Jimin!" Yoongi said as Jimin sat down at their lunch table , joined by Taehyung and Jungkook. "Hi Yoongi!" Jimin started to eat his food straight away , he was hungry as fuck.

"Jimin , Taehyung and Jungkook  introduce yourselves   and I'll introduce you to my friends after." They nodded and Taehyung went first.

"Hi I'm Taehyung , Kim Taehyung. I hope we can be friends!" Everyone said hello and he smiled at them in response.

Jimin went next. "Hi I'm Jimin , Park Jimin nice to meet you." Jimin smiled , his eyes disappearing as he did so. Jungkook went after Jimin , he showed his bunny smile and spoke.

"Hola I'm Jungkook and I come from spain , I want to make friends so hola." Everyone laughed at Jungkook and he laughed along.

Yoongi and his friends defiantly wanted to be friends with them , they were crack heads it seemed and so were they.

Yoongi's friends introduced themselves to Jimin and his friends and they enjoyed their lunch. Jimin forgot about his Mother who could have been watching them.

She was , she wanted to make sure Jimin wasn't hanging around with Yoongi. Though he did. She didn't want him to hang around with Yoongi. She knew what he used to do.


Jimin came home the same as yesterday but his Mother stood , arms crossed waiting for his arrival at the front door. Jimin smiled even more awkwardly than yesterday.

"JIMIN I TOLD YOU NOT TO HAND AROUND WITH YOONGI , WE'RE MOVING AWAY NOW! YOUR FATHER WILL LET US STAY WITH HIM." His Mother yelled. Jimin knew he'd be busted , but now he was busted with a really bad punishment.

"I'm sorry!"

"Sorry isn't good enough! Yoongi has done things that are horrible so now we're moving we'll be moving tomorrow morning , before school. Pack your bags."  Then she walked off and Jimin stood there , his lip trembled.

"I'm sorry Yoongi I wish I could stay."

𝚗𝚘𝚝𝚎𝚜. 𝖸𝖮𝖮𝖭𝖬𝖨𝖭Where stories live. Discover now