Cayde x Reader (Stolen Property)

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Hi, this is the first oneshot of this book. ^^ There is no disclaimers for this part, except cursing. In this oneshot, you're a guardian.
Welp, thats all I have to say. Hope you enjoy the oneshot, I guess?.. Though, there are things you'll need to know are below-

Race that you are- (Race)
Class that you are- (Class)
Eye color- (E/C)
Hair Length- (H/L)
Hair Color- (H/C)
Your Name- (Y/N)
Favorite Color- (F/C)

-Anyway, into the oneshot we go!
(Picture was found on Pinterest.
If you own the picture and want me to take it down, then just comment.


-(Reader POV)-
I huffed as I put my gun away after killing all the Taken in the room. The room in question had a huge, broken drill in the middle with boxes littering the room and rock on all sides. The said room was in IO, where the Taken resided. Why I chose to go to IO to have some fun? I had no idea.
Before I knew it, my ghost broke me out of my thought; I didn't even notice that I was standing in the room silently. "Hey, you alright? You've kinda just been standing there," (she/he) said as (she/he) floated in front of my face. In return, I nodded.
I was about to move along to the next room, but my ghost stopped me by their words. "Hey! Whats that glowing up there," (she/he) questioned. Looking back, I did notice something glowing from the top barrier of my vision. Looking up, I get a better view of the faint glowing. It was a light blue and with the light, a faint noise resinated. The only problem was it was up high on the rock's edge.
Looking around for a solution, I soon find that the drill is just close enough to the edge where I could jump from the drill and to the edge; if I was lucky enough to get high enough on the drill.
Following my own advice, I start climbing the drill. Luckily, I find good footing and make it close enough to the height I needed. Looking to the end, I quickly glance down and gulp. I've never told anyone, but I never liked heights; even if they weren't that high.
Quickly looking back to the edge, I hastily take the jump. As I jump, time seems to slow and I'm not in the room anymore. Suddenly, I'm sitting what looks like a swing. The world is going by fast and I'm seemingly high up. Before I can scream, the scenery changes. Suddenly, I'm standing on grass while looking down. My shoes are of a child, and my tiny hands are held on my stomach. It sounded like a woman was scolding me in the background. It was faint and muffled, but still there. Again, the scenery changes. Now, I'm standing at the edge of a building, looking down at the busy people below. The wind blew roughly against my back and my (H/L) hair sometimes got in my face.
I couldn't control my feet when suddenly I walked off. Everything was flying past me as I fell, but for some reason it felt like I was flying. Before I hit the ground, I was back in that drill room and was on the edge were the cache was. My hand supported me against the wall as I caught my breath. "Guardian? (Y/n)? Are you alright," my ghost questioned as (she/he) floated frantically above me, sometimes revolving around me to check for any signs of internal medical problems.
"I'm fine. Just... Something weird happened as I jumped. I was in different places and.. I think I was.. Me. From my old life," I said as I properly stood and caught my breath.
"You know Zavala wouldn't like for guardians to know or want to know about their past lives," my ghost said as (she/he) stopped revolving around me.
I roll my eyes at (her/him), "Its not like I wanted to see it! It triggered somehow. It was of me swinging, then getting scolded by some lady, then I walked off a building." (She/he) shakes their 'head', then turns towards the glowing, blue light.
"Well, lets forget about it, or at least don't tell Zavala. Anyway, now we can get that cache," (she/he) said as they made their way over to the cache. I follow them, and look down at the box and frown. It was locked. Yet, on closer inspection, it looked crackable.

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