Shaxx x Anorexic!Reader

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This was requested by: Totoro431
I hope to make this one long, as it's my first request.
Though, I must put warnings in. The warnings include-
Anorexia (As included in the title)
Mentions of self-harm
Throwing up
^If you are uncomfortable with any of the above, please do not read this chapter^
In this, you are a hunter. The setting is after the Red War and you got the tower back. Cayde is still alive, Osiris is still in his 'little world' of the Vex, and Rasputin is untouched in the ice. Your ghost's name is Nrix.
Now that the warnings are done and a little information as been given, it's time to start the story~


"You- You can't just do this," my ghost exclaims. He worriedly floats above my head as I weekly sit on my knees on the ground. My helmet is thrown to my side, my hood shades my face as crimson runs down my mouth.

"I can. I must. You know what they say," I respond, a quiet calm comes over me as the moon shines down onto my frail form. The European Dead Zone is the calmest place I know. The grass is soft to sit on and there is enough places to hide where you cannot be found. Yet, if you are a Guardian, you're stuck with a ghost; a second conscious that follows you and has an opinion.

"Don't listen to them! They don't know what they're saying. Idiotic is what they are," Nrix tries to comfort, yet my mind is set. The ache in my stomach made it all too hard, the smell of food made my mouth water like no other, and if I even glance at food I'd probably lose control. Though, that didn't stop me from continuing on.

"Man, her footsteps are louder than a cabal's!"
"Shh! Maybe she has a medical condition."
"Everyone knows she's... Not fit to be a hunter."

Without thinking, I throw my hands down in frustration. My hands grip the blades of grass as my body aches, my energy has left me, and my hope is depleting. "I know... I know, but they have some point. I need to get slimmer. I need to be more fit to be a hunter," I spit to Nrix, then I relax a bit. The European Dead Zone's sounds fill my ears as Nrix is plagued by silence. We sit here in silence for a few minutes, listening to the wind flow through the trees and the hoot of owls.

Then, Nrix breaks the silence, "You're very fit to be a hunter. You've got the heart, the spirit, and the fight in you. The Traveler believes in you, and I believe in you. Others do too. If you can't stop, there are alternatives." To this, I just sigh in return. I'm far too in to go back. I can't just stop. I've died so many times to this, and I know there will come a time he won't be able to take it anymore. I.. I don't know if I can stop.

Tears come to my eyes, though I quickly wipe them away. It was time to go anyway. Grabbing my helmet, I stand and look around. Besides the puddle of throw up and blood, the world around me looked serene. All I could wish for was to stay here and enjoy the sights and sounds. Though, that wasn't what I breathed for. Soon, Nrix transmats us to our ship. It was time to head back to the Tower for the normal run through. Visit the postmaster, see Tess, quickly pass Banshee-44, then play some Crucible to train and have fun.

Yet, there was always a problem with this. All I want to do is get through my day without anyone asking me if anything was wrong. I am weak, too weak to ignore the questions and yet there was always someone ready to ask how my day was. There is always that one person, one I seem to lean to most, that asks how I am doing. Even if I avoid him, he continues to persist and even takes to leaving his station to just ask how my day was. The loud, tall, man acted like a friend to me and probably closer than that to me in any aspect. Well, at least I want him to be closer. The way he seems so happy and excited all the time, and how he can also be really down to Earth. Don't forget how he is really tactical and smart, probably as smart or more than a warlock. How could someone not gravitate towards him? I want to reach out and tell him the truth, on how I'm doing, but I always spout out something on how I'm fine. A weakness of mine I suppose. 

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