(Hide and Seek) The Speaker x Reader

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This will be short, sorry it's been awhile. I'm working on several entries to this oneshot book, and I hope to make them long. Im sorry if The Speaker seems OOC, as I'm sorry if I do that to any characters. I will try and get better at that. This is taking place in destiny 1, so... Yea. You'll have a fireteam of 5, including yourself.

Onto the story-

(Y/N), now being done with her duties of the day, leans against the railing of the tower. The city looked calming at this hour as the setting sun made the traveler look more beautiful than normal. Yet, the city looks cast in shadow, which gave the beautiful traveler it's contrast. In her contentment, (Y/N) is approached by a couple of her friends. 2 hunters and a warlock. "Hey, (Y/n)," a male hunter by the name of Ryan said, "we're about to play hide and seek. Wanna play?"
Then a female hunter, by the name of Amilia, quickly says, "Zyla and Chris are playing too!"
The male warlock, by the name of Braydon, then butts in, "Though the only reason I'm playing is because Colton thinks he can beat me, idiot titan." To this, (Y/n) laughs.
"Yeah! Who's it? And where is the counting place," (Y/N) fully turns to them with a smile.
"Braydon is at the northern most part of the tower platform, we told him that we would radio him in after we asked you. Then he'll start counting, I'll tell him over com, you guys start hiding, I'll take one for the team," Ryan solutes Amilia, Chris, and (Y/N) then walks off to com Braydon.
  "Well, we better get to hid-"
Amilia quickly cuts Chris off by running off and screaming, "FIRST ONE TO GET FOUND IS A ROTTEN FALLEN CORPSE!" Chris with an annoyed sigh runs off in a different direction from Amilia. Excited, (Y/n) looks around the plaza thinking of a place to hide. She wanted to hide in a place were no one would give her away- The Speaker! Thats it, I bet he wont sell me out, hopefully.
   A book it towards his study, almost slipping down the stairs as I do so. Turning a couple corners, I run up the stairs to him quickly, "Speaker! You need to hide me-"
   "Guardian, please calm down and tell me what it is you need," He interjects as he turns to me from his table. It seemed like he was currently reading something, looked Fallen.
    "Well... Um, its actually kind of silly-" I stop myself asI hear a faint yelling off in the court yard.
   "READY OR NOT HERE I COME," Braydon has started seeking.
    The Speaker nonchalantly turns his head to the yell, then back to (Y/N), "Oh, is that what this is about," He sighs, "Well, I know how competitive you are.. Hide over there, behind the wall." He points to the edge, behind the floating gyro and to the edge of the wall.
     "Thank you! I owe you one! You can expect me to go on extra patrols tomorrow," (Y/n) quickly makes her way to the spot and gets quiet. 
      After about 30 minutes of waiting, Braydon runs into the room and up to the Speaker's study. "Speaker, have you seen Chris or (Y/n)," He says, clearly out of breath.
    The Speaker sighs and looks to Braydon from reading his book, "Is this about this game of 'hide and seek?" Braydon nods his head as he continues to catch his breath.
    "It truly is surprising how childish you guardians are," The Speaker shakes his head, "No, I have not seen them. I suggest you check any stray ghosts or the South Tower."
     Braydon scratches his neck, and sheepishly smiles, "I'm sorry Speaker, I shall check there. Thank you!" Braydon quickly runs off.
      After 20 minutes, (Y/n) speaks up, "Is he gone?"
      "Yes, it appears so," The Speaker replies. (Y/n) slowly comes out of cover and runs around the gyro and to The Speaker.
      "Thanks! I really do owe ya one," (Y/n) smiles and in the heat of the moment, hugs The Speaker; to which he stiffens with a grunt from the sudden weight of (Y/n). Then he slowly pats her back.
       "It was no problem, but please prohibit doing silly games like that in the future in here," The Speaker says and (Y/n) quickly lets go of the hug.
       "Im SO sorry about that. Is there a way I can make it up to you? Extra patrols, more Bounties, give ya some glimmer," (Y/n) asks with a sheepish smile.
      The Speaker hums for a moment, "Extra patrols sounds good enough, as this was just a little more than trivial. Just make sure to keep all your silly games to other places in the tower."
     (y/n) nods, "Of course! Thank you again!" (Y/n) makes her way out to find a different hiding spot, but then she is stopped by the Speaker.
      "Oh, and (Y/n)? Please do come visit from time to time. I do rather enjoy your company. Also, please try to smile more, it suits you," The Speaker calls, as he stands at the top of the stairs.
    (Y/n), a little flustered and thankful for the (mask/helmet), nods again, "Y-Yea, sure I will. Thank you, Speaker." The Speaker chuckles to himself and turns back to his work.
    (Y/n) slowly turns to the doorway, but stops as she sees her friends standing there. "Uhh, how much did you guys see," (Y/n) scratches her neck.
     "All of i-" Chris tries to say, but is cut off by Amilia.
      "ALL OF IT! AHH IT WAS SO CUTE YOU GUYS SHOU-" To which Amilia is cut off by a girl Warlock by the name of Clare, "Amilia, don't embarrass (Y/n) like that."
    "AWW COME ON YOU KNOW IT WAS CUTE," Amilia whines as Clare just shakes her head and sighs.
     (Y/n) quickly goes to her friends and tries to push them out of the room, "Guys! He's standing just over there! He can hear you!" (Y/n) successfully pushes Amilia out of the room and her other friends follow, all of this happens as The Speaker shakes his head and chuckles at their antics. Though, he said what he meant about (Y/n) and hoped to get a visit from her soon.


       I know I said I was probably going to do someone else, and I'm working on that. Though, this came to mind and I wrote it. 👌 I swear the rest is coming. I have an Asher Mir and Devrim Kay in the works.

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