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Mom had been acting weird for the past few days that winter. Every morning she would push me off her stomach and rush outside where she threw up what little she had in her stomach.

She would come back into our little makeshift cave under the tree roots smelling gross and looking depressed. My nine year old self did not understand why she was so sad. The day hadn't even began. How could she be so sad already?

We use to only go hunting twice a week but then mom had started taking me hunting every day. I was starting to get bored of the constant prowling silently through the forest in search of unsuspecting birds and mice, but if that was what mom thought of as fun then I decided just to go along with it and tried to make it as fun as possible by playing a guessing game of whether mom would catch the little animal she had in her sights at that moment or not. I lost most of the time.

Although it was never fun when mom snapped at me for trying to take the main share of the meat like I usually did. Was she trying to starve me? That was not fair. I had the hardest part of hunting which was sitting silently and not alerting the animal of our presence. Should I have not gotten the biggest portion?

At sunset, mom would always take me down to the creek and we would swim together while washing away the blood and dirt of the day. That winter however, she would just lay on the river bed and watch me pad around in the freezing water. It wasn't as fun when I was alone.

Finally our day would end with us curling up together under the tree. Mom was noticeably less playful, more careful and definitely more hungry. I didn't want to be rude and point out the fact that she was getting fat and should of probably stopped eating so much.

What was her problem? She had been shoving and nipping me constantly when previously she had just let me do what I wanted. It was only a few weeks later that her scent changed and it all made sense.

Mom was pregnant.

On one of the rare times we were in our human forms, mom explained to me a passing rogue was the new pups father and that the baby will be joining us soon. I said nothing and instead just growled at her stomach.

It was a few months later that mom woke up in the middle of the night panting. She chased me out of the den and into the green spring grass. I whined quietly but decided to leave her be and went sniffing in the bushes.

It was only after the sun had risen and mom hadn't left the den yet that I returned only to see mom in her human form cradling a baby. "Jungkook?" She called out to me.

I slowly crept towards her, sniffing the air. The baby smelt funny but I could also smell mom on it. "It's a boy, love." A boy? A baby brother? "Be gentle alright."

I huffed at my mother's words in agreement. I didn't like the idea of mom being pregnant but when I first saw the baby, I suddenly felt extremely protective of it, I had no intentions of hurting him.

So from that day, baby Blue became a part of our rogue pack. First the first year of his life mom mostly stayed human to properly care for him while I had to do the hunting from then on. I wasn't very good yet so we mostly ate mice and the occasional rabbit unless mom decided she was going to leave me with the baby while she caught something a little bigger. I enjoyed those days.

The days become more and more fun as Blue grew. I finally had other company other than mother and when Blue was 5 he could finally join us in his wolf form which was a beautiful tan color with a brown snout, nearly like mine although I had brown highlights all over my body.

I taught Blue how to swim and what the good berries were and together we made it our mission to see how far we could push mothers patience.

When I was 16, I finally presented as an alpha and took over the responsibilities from my mom. I was a great hunter at the point and could take down prey bigger than what mom ever could. I made sure every time we moved, we would have the best shelter to stay in for however long we were gonna stay put in that area and I fought off other rogues trying to steal our food or get to my mom.

My wolf got taller, stronger and meaner. I learnt the dangers of being a rogue, how to hide from wolf packs, how to be first to get to my opponents neck.

I could protect my family from many predators in the wild, but one.  

(I promise chapters will get longer, this is just a prologue. Let me know what you think so far!) 

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