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     "Well... I do have a question. For Sin." At the sound of his name, he raised an amused eyebrow. She glanced at her mostly full glass before sighing.

            "How did you get so badly injured?"

            What a question. He knew it made sense and he somewhat expected it, after all, he was being quite an enigma to Lucy. Naturally, she'd have many questions and it was surprising when she didn't try to interrogate him, unlike Mr. Kangaroo (Aydan, she called him?) who launched his questions like punches.

            Had Lucy been waiting for him to open up? Did she think he had some form of trauma from the injury? Her silence had been stifling; he wanted her to stop analysing his every move and simply ask about what she wanted to know. He pretty much considered himself an open book. Mostly. Sort of.

            But no, instead she chose to observe him, like a little kitten, with her hazel eyes brimming (so much, it'd look like they'd spill) with that look. The "thirst for knowledge" he called it. The need—no, greed— to know anything and everything under the sun. It was one he'd often seen on Yamraiha, the official Mage of Sindria, whenever she got her eyes on a new book or another topic to explore. He was a puzzle she was hell-bent on solving, without approaching directly.

            He stared at her for a couple of seconds and couldn't help a few chuckles when she stared back head on, her thumbs twiddling nervously. With a shake of his head and a small smile, he took a sip of wine, eyes locked on her reaction as he relished the familiar burn down his throat.

            She was stunned, dark pupils wide as saucers. He breathed out a satisfied sound, gaze still latched on her.

            "Interestinggggg~! Someone here doesn't want to share his battle story!!" A girl drawled, was she Laura? Esme? Ah well, they're all the same either way. He gave the miss a wink, laughing when she giggled at his attention.

            Lucy took a deep breath, in an attempt to calm herself before shaking her head in disappointment. What did she expect? She tried to ignore the pang in her heart, steeling her resolve. If he wanted to say it, he'll say it.

            But.... if he didn't want to, what did he really aim for? Did he have some sort of angle? Was there some special plant in the village and he wanted to cultivate it for profit? Is that why he got injured? Maybe he was examining something and if his competition came to know, that was motive enough to harm him.

            Did he want to harm the village? No. Wait. If that was his intention, then why bother trying to know everyone? Why be so nice? Could he be a spy? What if something happened to her father and he was here to "finish the job?"

            The endless questions threw her on a downward spiral. As if he wasn't bugging her enough, now his reluctance to answer made her worry for the village, for herself. What did he truly want?

            A warm, firm hand on her shoulder steadied her, before turning her around. Aidan.

            "Hey, Granny slipped and fell down a stair. You're needed." He muttered, scratching the back of his neck. Lucy nodded quietly, standing up and walking away from the gathering.

            "Luce. You okay?" Aidan followed her, grabbing her hand.

            "Huh. Yeah. I am, don't worry." Lucy curtly replied, feeling bad for her rude tone.

            "You're not. Is that guy bothering you?" He jerked his blonde head in Sinbad's direction, his eyes narrowing with irritation.

            Lucy squeezed his hand, sighing. "He didn't answer my question."

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