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            RENA was a vision. Her ombré dress hugged her curves delectably but it still gave her a sense of angelic modesty. She resembled the sunset— her crimson hair curled gently around her shoulders and the bodice of her gown was blood orange— cascading into shades of magenta to violet.

Lucine blushed at her handiwork; she had outdone herself. What started as unsure fingers running through Rena's box of cosmetics ended in a woman who'd be nigh short of Aphrodite's envy. Lucy felt the thrumming heartbeats of inspiration linger in her chest. Makeup became her choice of paint and brushes. Rena, her masterpiece.

"How do I look?" Rena paced around the room, keeping her hands stiffly at her sides.

"Beautiful." Lucy reassured, halting Rena's nervous movements by holding her hands firmly.

Rena's scarlet lips curled into an uncertain smile and she turned to Aidan, who was looking out the window. "Aidan?" She asked, playing with the sash of her dress.

The blond man scoffed, fighting hard to prevent a blush from colouring his cheeks pink. Aidan walked over and pointed at Rena's tousled hair, trying his hardest to look elsewhere.

Rena understood his gesture and couldn't help the beaming smile on her face. She sat down on the wooden stool and faced Lucy, her back towards Aidan.

Aidan's calloused fingers combed through her red hair, deftly sculpting the silken locks into the very image of Psyche. Lucy had tried to make Rena look elegant but when Aidan was finished with her hair, she saw vibrant wildflowers.

Her hair was a mass of curls and skilfully placed braids and white flowers adorned those locks, appearing like clouds in the sky. Rena's hair, which was normally wilder than the wind framed her delicate face like as if she was born to be a queen. Lucy knew if she had the mind to, Rena would make even the strongest of warriors fall to their knees. All Rena needed to do was simply spare a glance and she'd have the most powerful gods in the palm of her hand.

"Ai....." Rena sat there, stunned, unable to look away from her reflection in the mirror.

"Hmph." Aidan smirked, satisfied and walked off, leaving the two ladies in the dressing room. Rena smiled at Lucy in her reflection and Lucy kissed her hand affectionately as her reply.

"Woah." The two of them turn around to find Sin by the door, equally flabbergasted.

Sin blinked before breaking into a huge grin. "Rena.... By Solomon's word, you're stunning. You are the portrait of love itself, with all its passion and yearning. No man can look at you and feel the same afterwards."

Her friend blushed, her cheeks almost as red as her hair. "Hey! Its bad luck to see a participant before her beauty contest!" Rena chided but her smile betrayed her tone of voice.

"I thought that only applied to brides before their wedding." Lucy teased, wrapping her arms around the redhead, trying to ignore Sin.

She felt his golden eyes on her though, watchful and anticipating her next move. Lucy exhaled a shaky breath from his intense scrutiny, momentarily meeting his strong gaze before looking away immediately. She heard Sin's exhausted sigh and her heart twisted painfully with worry.

"Oi, Sin! Should you be moving about?!" Aidan stopped beside Sin, glaring at him.

Sin shrugged, his eyebrows furrowed in annoyance. He had come here in hopes that he'd be able to speak to Lucy about his unfortunate injury. He wanted to reassure her, tell her it was not her fault and that he jumped out of his own accord.

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