• Neo City •

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The first thing Jungkook feels when he wakes up is an overbearing headache and pain all over his body. Groaning, he slowly opens his eyes and looks down at himself to see that he is naked, with bruises all over his body, no doubt from the accident. He tries to move but finds that his arms are tied together behind his back. He tries to shake them loose, but the tight binds from the ropes dig deep into his skin, further causing him more pain. 

"Taehyung!" Jungkook calls for his lover as he frantically moves around to get himself better situated. He sees that he's inside a dark room with faded grey walls and neon lights on the ceiling. It smells damp, and musky with a hint of chemicals combined. It looks like something out of a horror film. 

"TAEHYUNG!" Jungkook shouts again, his voice echoing inside the dark room. 

"He's not here." came a voice from the corner of the room. 

Jungkook snaps his head over to a large figure with a strange mask on his face. It resembles a gas mask but is fancier.

"Who are you and where is Taehyung!" Jungkook demands but the stranger doesn't say a word as he squats down in front of Jungkook, staring ominously at him. 

"He's not here." he repeats, his voice voided of any emotion. 

Just then, the door to the room opens and another man wearing a strange mask enters. His mask is black and in the center looked like shard fragments of glass. 

He approaches Jungkook and pats the other man's shoulder to get him to stand up. "Good, he's awake. Let's get him processed." he says and turns to the door where yet another masked man enters, his mask is white with a giant red flower on the front.

Both the flower man and the gas mask man grab Jungkook and stand him up. He lets out a cry of pain, his body still hasn't fully recovered from the accident. "Where are you taking me!" he shouts at them, but none answer his question as they take him out of the room and into a long narrow hallway with green neon lights. 

They walk down the hall for a few minutes until they reach another room with a pink neon sign on the door that says processing. Inside Jungkook could hear movement and he could have sworn he heard someone crying.  "What are you going to do to me!" Jungkook shouts again and still no one answer his questions as they open the door and shove him inside. 

This room was brighter than the first and extremely cold. Its walls are a lighter shade of grey with mold seeping out of the corners.  To the corner of the room, Jungkook sees a young woman, naked and curled up into a ball crying to herself.  Her hair is blonde, long past her shoulders. She looks at the group and sobs deeply, her mascara staining her already red cheeks. 

Being distracted by the girl, Jungkook didn't realize one of the men had cut the binds to the rope, freeing his arms instantly and shoving him to the center of the room. The flower man goes for the blonde girl and shoves her next to Jungkook. 

The girl trembles behind him as she lifts her head and looks at Jungkook, both equally confused with the whole situation. "What are you going to do to us" Jungkook asks but the masked men don't answer. 

Instead, two of them go to the corners of the room and open a latch on the wall, pulling out a long hose. The man with the shard mask stands in the middle, silently watching as his two partners join his side, pointing the hose at Jungkook and the girl. 

Without a word and warning, they turn the nozzles and spray an onslaught of ice-cold water onto Jungkook and the girl, making them both scream in pain. The freeing cold air mixed with the cold water brought Jungkook to his knees, taking out all the air in his lungs. The girl falls next, leaning her naked frame against Jungkook's as the two men continue spraying them with cold water. 

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