• Dead Man •

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'Yesterday evening, around two in the afternoon, Millionaire tycoon, Kim Taehyung, was involved in a transit accident. Reports say his car was involved in a violent shooting which lead officials to believe it could be gang or mafia related. More on the story later-'

"It's all over the fucking news." Jimin grumbles as he turns off the TV and faces Taehyung, who was quietly sitting at his desk.

Since the accident and getting out of the hospital, there was nonstop pandemonium over the incident. Reports from all across South Korea, Japan, and even America were trying to reach out to the notorious millionaire about the mafia accusations. Rumors started spreading and Taehyung had to turn off all his phones and heightened his security at his mansion just to keep those pesky reporters away. 

He was in no mood to talk. 

Livid could not come close to how he was feeling at that moment. He wanted revenge on his enemies, but more so, he wanted to see blood. He wanted the son of a bitch who took Jungkook to fucking suffer under his watch, to bleed until he could bleed no more. 

That's how angry Kim Taehyung was. 

"I canceled all your meetings for the next two weeks and made sure the media stays out of southern districts." Namjoon, Taehyung's assistant and tech guy, announces as he enters the office with his laptop in hand.  

His husband, Jin, follows along, still wiping away leftover tears from earlier. No doubt the news about Jungkook's kidnapping affected him hard. Jungkook was like a little brother to him and it pains him to feel helpless and not know where Jungkook can be. 

"Did you investigate the crash site?" Taehyung looks up from his desk, a hard glare settles in his eyes, and Namjoon nods as he opens the laptop and places it on the desk. 

"I hacked into the camera systems near the crash site. Here take a look." he turns the laptop around and shows Taehyung a video. The most glorious thing about Namjoon, other than being Taehyung's assistant, was that his 148 IQ made him an excellent computer hacker. 

The video on the laptop shows Taehyung's car, flipped over and damaged from crashing into a guard rail. The car that was chasing them stops next to it and out comes two masked men. They grab Jungkook and drag him out of the wreckage. 

Taehyung digs his fingers into his palms as he watches the men throw Jungkook into their car. But suddenly, a third man appears from the car. He has on a mask but it was far different than the other two. His was a gas mask but fancier, something he found quite odd. 

"That man, who is he?" Taehyung points out and pauses the video. 

"That's what I wanted to talk to you about." Namjoon says as he turns the screen back to him and stares at the image of the masked man. "He's a member of a very notorious gang called NCT. They run the entire district of Gangnam." 

"Isn't that where our warehouse is located?" Jimin questions and Namjoon nods in response. 

"Yes and our shipment has been delayed or gone missing thanks to these guys, but there is more that you need to know." Namjoon adds, as he turns the laptop back to Taehyung and opens up another video. 

The video shows various images of the car speeding down the highway and entering the Gangnam district. The screen goes blank for a moment and another view of the car pops up, this time in a dark area with large neon signs. The masked men drag Jungkook out of the car and pull him towards a large building where another man with a fancy mask was waiting. They talk for a few moments and drag Jungkook into the large building before the video feeds ends.

Taehyung slams his fist on the counter, his anger boiling inside. "Those bastards are going to pay with their lives for fucking with me." he growls and leers over to Namjoon. "Those men have to be working for someone. I want you to find out who they are working for and where that building is."

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