Happily Ever After

384 14 18

This one's for ArtemistigressBatMacKarma_WarHawx, and RachelRothFan66.

No One's POV

Artemis snuggled against Wally, happy to have his warm arm wrapped around her. Mindy ran up and held out her hairbow. "Wally, back it back in."

Wally laughed and slipped it into her thick brown hair. "You're ten years old, you could've done that yourself."

"Yeah, but I didn't want to." Mellie ran up and pulled Mindy back over to the table to paint. Artemis and Wally were babysitting them as Chloe was on vacation and Artemis' dads were on a date.

Artemis fiddled with the cannula attached to the oxygen tank that she temporarily had to use.

"Arty, stop messing with that," Wally said.

"But I'm bored," She groaned.

"Well, then, let's go paint with your sisters!" He pulled her over to the table, while she laughed and objected. Wally got her to paint and they actually wound up having a lot of fun. They eventually put Mindy and Melanie to bed and snuggled up, and watched The Avengers. When Carlos and Justin came home, they found the couple curled up, asleep on the couch, with Artemis' fuzzy purple blanket pulled over them.

"Aww," Carlos said.

"They're cute," Justin said with a smile. He gave his husband a quick kiss. "Though not as cute as us."

Carlos shook his head. "Nah, man. They beat us."

Justin sighed. "I knew you'd say that." He sighed. "You're not wrong." They looked at the sleeping couple and Justin snapped a picture on his phone. "I'm so blackmailing her with this."

Carlos laughed and shook his head. "There are two kinds of people."

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