Chapter 15 - Campbell

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"Hey, Grizz."

"Hello, Campbell..."

"Just saw my girl walking out of your room, so... what's her power? She won't tell me."

"You know I can't tell you Campbell."

"Yeah, whatever. So what's gonna happen ? You gonna play fucking shrink with me ?"

"No, I'm not. I just need to know exactly what you can do, so I'll be able to give you a suitable job."

"Well, I know for sure, mine won't suit anywhere, so can we call it a day?"

"Campbell, I'm not a fucking idiot, why did you come here if you don't even want me to know about your power?"

"Hum...I heard people say you could, you know...Take the pain away...?"

"Yeah, I can. But I won't take it unless you tell me about it... I'm not a healing whore you know?"

"I can destroy things."

"What do you mean, destroy?" Grizz asked, not surprised Campbell's power to be a violent one.

"If I want to, I can just touch things and they kinda disintegrate. Like the whole shit turns to dust and there's nothing left of it. Object or living."

"Object or living ?!" Grizz thought, feeling the real threat this power truly was.

"And do you always control it or does it run out of hand sometimes ? Like...if you're angry?"

"Nope. Always have it under control. If I destroy something when I'm mad, it just means I wanted to destroy it."

"I guess it must have been hard for you..."

"Oh don't play fucking therapist with me, Grizz. I'm not some kind of damsel in distress like my brother. And don't you dare fucking touch me. I know what you do to people, you freak."


"Your whole touching thing is just some fucking way to see in people's past. Don't think I haven't figured you out, man. I know you're not as gentle and kind as everybody seems to think."

"Well, I'm sorry you feel this way about me, Campbell. I never wanted to invade your privacy, I just..." he said, reaching a hand to the teenager, out of habit.

"I said don't touch me, freak !" Campbell snapped at him.

"I'm sorry, I really didn't mean to... Hum, back to it, does this power require energy from you?" Grizz tried to stay calm. He already had had enough of this meeting.

"I guess not."

"And you talked about taking the pain away?"

"Yeah, well, forget about it, you can't help me."

"And why not?"

"You can't take memories away, can you?"

"No I can't, but I can ease the pain those memories bring. But I can't do it without touching you, you know..." Grizz began to wonder about what Campbell wanted to forget.

"Never mind then, I'm fine on my own." he said, getting up.

"Wait, Campbell..." Grizz said, getting up as well and going after the mysterious boy.

"I told you to let it fucking go, weirdo !" Campbell shouted, pushing Grizz out of the way. The moment he touched Grizz, he knew he had made a huge mistake.

Pictures of hurtful memories and dark events rushed through Grizz as he crumbled to the floor, holding his head. He began hyperventilating, as he felt Campbell's past flowing through his whole being. There were pictures of physical abuse, of a father hitting a child ; much more than what Grizz could take, considering his own history. He felt as if his head was about to explode and began to scream, violent emotions forcing their way into him.

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