Chapter 24 - Thanksgiving Part.2

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"Stop it!" Sam snapped at the agitated crowd. He tried to make his broken voice heard so that everybody would listen to him.

"Aren't you ashamed of yourself, all of you?! Yes, Grizz had some issues during his childhood, but he's no murderer! You all know him, you know how kind a generous he is, he would never do something like that!" Sam yelled.

"He's right, Grizz would never! Now that you all know, I can tell you the truth. Yes, Logan fucking Visser hit his child when he was young and he was a real bastard. He lost all the money and tried to kill himself. Grizz never wanted that to happen! The asshole just took him in his madness and almost killed him. Grizz ended up alright but Logan fell in a coma. That's what really happened, I was there with him, I know." Luke said.

"And you know what? He still loves his father. After everything this fucking bastard did to him, he never really hated him. He blamed himself for so long about what happened, and still does, but he always loved Logan, despite everything." he went on.

"And you all are here, judging him, blaming him. I thought Grizz was your friend! He's doing everything he can for this town. He heals you, protects you, reassures you! But you, ungrateful brats, just pressured and hurt him. I'm going to see him now, and when I come back, you better review your behavior." Sam finished, furious.

Everybody was looking at him with wide eyes. Some people had their head down in an ashamed way, some other now cried, sad for what had happened to their friend and how they hurt him. As Sam was making his way to the exit, Luke stepped in front of Campbell.

"And you, my friend, are gonna leave Grizz the fuck alone. I don't know why you said all this crap but believe me, next time, we won't let you get away with something like that." he said. Jason and Clark surrounded him, showing their unspoken agreement.

"Whoever hurts Grizz will have to face the Guard. And we certainly are not joking with this. Really not." he threatened.

"Yeah, you try to even think about hurting him another time and we'll come back at you full force, bastard." Jason interrupted.

"Oh...So, I see. The little princess has her bodyguards now, interesting. And what are you gonna do if I don't fucking care?"

"Oh don't worry, we surely can be imaginative." it was now Clark's turn.

"I'm not afraid of you jerks. I'll do whatever I want to your faggot princess and there won't be anyone to stop me when the time comes. I have unsettled business with him and I don't plan on laying back like a nice doggy."

"I can't believe it...You know, Grizz never resented you for trying to choke him against a wall. When Allie asked him to tell us your past, he refused categorically, saying he wouldn't betray you. I see you weren't even worth it in the end." Luke added.

"I don't care about him trying to be nice, Luke. I'll destroy him for invading my mind like that. See you, losers!"

They let him go, there was nothing to do for now.

"What are you all looking at, huh?" Jason dispersed the crowd. Everybody went back to their little chat, thinking about how they could apologize to Grizz.

Sam arrived at Allie's place and went straight for the bedroom. He saw dark colors under the door, reminding him of the time he had found Grizz hurting himself.

"Grizz...? I know you're here, let me in, please." he gently said, knocking on the closed door.

The door gently opened, revealing a hurt and teary Grizz.

"Sam, I'm so sorry I ran away like that. I know I shouldn't be out of the hospital but..."

Sam didn't give him time to finish his sentence and hugged him tightly.

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