Chapter 42 - The Capsules

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"Hum...Grizz? What the actual fuck?!" one of the exploration and farming crew asked him.

"Hahaha, don't worry, guys. I now this fluffy cutie." he laughed, still hugging the grizzly.

Grizz 2.0 licked Grizz's smiling face for a few seconds more before letting the young man stand up again.

"So, guys, let me introduce you my wood's friend; Grizz 2.0 the grizzly." he addressed the group, still scraping his animal friend's belly.

"You have a lot of explaining to do, dude."

"So, one day, I was very upset and went to the woods on my own - which you never ever should do yourselves by the way - and came across this big fluffy grizzly. He was injured and charged at me, I played dead but he still scratched me a bit, hence the hospital Thanksgiving for me. I saw that his paw was bleeding so when he calmed down, I composed myself and approached him to try and heal him. At first, he was really scared and suspicious but he still let me in his personal space and I was able to heal his injured paw." he explained.

"You actually healed a grizzly?!" a girl said, not believing her ears.

"You didn't hear about that? The whole town already knows about this story, it's amazing!" another farmer told her.

"Yeah, well, either way, he apparently remembered me and here we are. Trust me, we're completely safe from any other wild animal now that we have this big guy with us." he giggled, still cuddling with the grizzly.

Grizz 2.0 suddenly started to sniff the group's bags, looking for something.

"What is he doing?" a girl asked, worriedly looking at Grizz.

"I have absolutely no idea...It's as if he's looking for something. No, more like smelling something." he said, approaching the animal.

"Hey buddy, what are you smelling in there? Good food?" he smiled to his fluffy friend.

Suddenly the grizzly stood up on his back legs and roared violently. He pushed and scratched Grizz harshly on the ground before going completely crazy and violent.

"Grizz! What the fuck is happening?!" a bunch of scared explorers shouted, completely panicked.

"I don't know!" Grizz told them.

Grizz 2.0 went on with his madness and almost charged at the crew when he sensed something on his back. Grizz had stood up and laid now his glowing hands softly on the wild animal's back.

"Grizz! What the fuck are you doin?! Get away from the beast!" a young man shouted at him.

But Grizz was completely focused on the fluffy animal. He was searching for the connection they had had many months ago in the same woods. His eyes were deeply focused on the growling grizzly's back and his hands glowed even more, slowly enveloping almost the whole animal.

"I got you, buddy. It's fine, it's just me." he whispered at the now calming bear.

Grizz 2.0 rested again on all fours, panting heavily and settling down. He turned around to face the healer and Grizz took his head gently between his still glowing hands. Their gaze crossed and their eyes softly focused on each other. They were then completely connected to each other emotionally and Grizz slowly frowned.

"Something's wrong." he said seriously, not letting the animal's stare slip away from his eyes.

"Yeah, something's definitely wrong, dude! A fucking bear almost killed us! What the fuck do you think you're playing with, Grizz?!" a guy almost yelled.

"Quiet. It's not his fault, he doesn't feel any pain, he's not even upset. It's as if something suddenly drove him mad." he told himself, thinking deeply.

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