An Arrow Does a Girl Good

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Vivian sat in the kitchen of her new trailer, sipping coffee and looking out the window. Having been there for two days, she was happy to be able to relax. She managed to get a job at one of the high schools in the district, a nicer one than the rest, she had assumed. She had followed her family to Riverdale, despite her father sabotaging her at her last heist. She would never forgive him for that, but luckily her mother had made some calls and gotten her off with an appeal, self-defense rather than assault. Along with getting her out of jail, her mother had bought the plot of land and Trailer for her so she would have a place to go, seeing as they had left New York. She looked around her trailer, no doubt her mother sent someone up to decorate it as well as do minor reconstruction for it. Her bow collection hung on the wall in the living room along with some family photos, all those containing her father had been laid face down, but those of just her, her mother and sister were all still on display.

She smelled her coffee delicately and smiled softly. Along with it's rich aroma, the trailer smelt of brownies she had just made and the burning cotton candles added to the scent. She was at last, relaxed. That ended however when the sound of shouting came in through the window. When she looked out, she saw a head of bright red hair laying on her lawn and a boy running back to help him up, and coming up behind them were four boys, possibly over eighteen. She got up, moving to her collection and lifted a long bow and a few arrows, notching one as she went to her door, pushing it open and stepping out.

"Oh shit!" the boy helping the other one shouted when he saw her.

Vivian aimed it at the boys coming towards her property. "Get over here," she ordered. The red head got his feet under him and they ran over to her. "Behind me," she said, coming down the steps and the boys did as they were told. As the group of four reached her lawn, they slowed but held their cruel smirks. "I'm going to have to ask you to get off my property, boys," she called, not lowering her bow.

"What?" one asked, stepping further onto her lawn. "You gonna shoot us, Robin Hood?" he asked, smirking.

"Honestly," she said. "Yeah, and I can take your eyes very quickly, so don't make me."

Another pulled a switch blade, flashing the steel at her. "You think you can notch three more arrows before we get to you?"

She released the arrow, hitting the boy's knife right out of his hand, notching another one in half a second. The boy let out a shout while jumping back in fear. "Definitely," she said with a smirk. "You have three seconds to get off my property before I release this one," she said, raising a brow. "Look, I gave a warning shot, clearly I don't miss."

"You're gonna regret that," the first boy said, taking steps back. "Ghoulies don't forget."

"Neither does a Lodge," she said, her voice showing agression. "Believe me kid," she returned. "You're gonna have to come back with a lot more to even stand a chance." Shaking their heads, they turned and strutted away. She sighed softly, lowering her bow. "Kinda wish they tested me," she said, putting the arrow back with the others. She turned and looked at the two boys behind her who had wide eyes. "You boys alright?" she asked, looking at them with soft eyes.

The boy with a grey hat on his head gulped and nodded. "Yeah... we're fine... thank you."

"Not a problem," she said with a shrug. She looked back out and saw they boys looking back before beginning to talk and continue. "Think they'll hang around to go after you?" she asked, looking back up at them.

"Yeah," the boy said. "They're the Ghoulies, they don't give up that easily."

Vivian nodded her head. "Well, want some brownies?" she asked, lacing her arm through her bow, and chuckled at their confused expressions. "Probably not safe for you to get walking yet. Come on in," she said, nodding to the door. The two looked at each other and turned, slowing walking into her house before she did. "Take your shoes off," she instructed, her bare feet entering the home and walking to the wall of bows, hanging the one she held back up and putting the arrows in place. As she began walking into the kitchen, they saw the two boys holding their backpack straps, looking confused. She went to her table and grabbed her coffee taking a sip. "Please, sit," she said as she did herself. The two slowly did, setting their bags beside them. "So, who are you?" she asked, looking between them.

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