Chapter 15

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It has been a week since I last saw Caspar, this was when I got really mad at him at the hospital and he is staying around his parents.

"Mummy, when is daddy coming home?", asked Dylan. I looked at him and smiled. Im not sure sweetheart, why, do you want to go and see him?", I asked him as he place a big smile on his face and nodded.

I got his stuff ready after calling his parents and said that they insisted Dylan stayed overnight just so him and Caspar could bond properly.



I knocked on the door. "Hey its you again", Caspar said opening the door with a grumpy face. I rolled my eyes at him. "Be good okay?", I said kissing Dylans head.

"Arent you going to hug daddy?", he asked looking up at me then Caspar. "No sweetheart. I'll see you tomorrow".

After that I made my way to the car but someone suddenly grabbed my left arm, "what?", I asked in a pissy mood.

"Can you please stay for a while. I want to talk to you just for a few moments please", Caspar said with hope in his eyes but I cant look at them without crying knowing that he doesnt remember anything after the last day of school.

I wiped my cheeks. "Why are you crying?", he asked as I leaned on my car. "Because.. actually dont worry, what were you saying?", I asked then walked to the house.

He stopped me again. "No, why are tou crying, tell me", he said holding both my hands getting slightly confused.

"I.. I just cant bare to look at you a-and knowing you cant remember me. The person you said you loved the most", I said and bursted out crying and so badly wanted to run away but he grabbed a hold of me.

"Caspar I just want to go home", I said trying to squirm out of his grip. But he just held on. "Me too", he said making my eyes grow bigger.

There was silence. "If you say who you actually are, I want proof, and maybe bringing me to m- our home as you say, it might bring my memory back", he said playing with my hands.

So now he doesnt believe me.. okayy...

I nodded and unlocked the car. We both got in and i switched the radio on. All Of Me started playing. "Why are you crying now?", he asked as we stopped at a red light.

"T-this is our song. This was the song that was playing the last time we... you know, before you went to war", i said turning everything awkward.

"So we're still together?", he asked as we moved on and turned to our street. I nodded my head



"Here we are. Lee resisdence", I said reding from the door hanger outside our appartment door. "Thats cute", he said pointing at the sign.

He then stared at it as i struggled to open the door. "Are we married then? Just saying coz it says Lee", he said as i finally opened the door.

I giggled. "No, it was youre idea because you said one day you will marry me", i said putting the keys into the bowl.

He nodded and i told him that he could look around freely. The bell then rang.

I got up quickly from the sofa and answered it. It was Becca and Joe. "Hey heard Caspar came home here today", becca said walking in and sat down and so did Joe.

"YOU'RE ASHLEY!", Caspar yelled walking into the living room. "Oh sorry becca nd joe", he said and came up to me.

At first, I thought he meant Ashleigh, "Youre Ashley Wates!", he said then hugged me..

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