Under the sea where the truth lies ahead

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Creator: Hai there ya'll. Sorry for not being active a lot. Busy as always. Enjoy!

Randy: When will this story finished?
Nomi: idk.


Nomi P.O.V

I woke up and went downstairs when I saw my uncle eating his breakfast.

"Ah. You awake eh, boy?" He said. That is how he said to me. I don't really mind that.

"Yeah. Uncle, I'll be going out soon so is it okay?" I ask while eating my breakfast pancakes.

"Are you going to see the mermaid~?"

I almost chocked. How did he know?! Then all of the sudden he stand up and walk to me.

"I don't really mind you going with that mermaid, but please be careful, okay?" He said. I accepted and finished my breakfast before going to the sea. I saw Randy at the dock waiting for me.

"Finally. Cmon it'll be fun!" He said in a girly tone.

"Sure. Let me just dive in there." I dive into the sea and transform into a mermaid.

"Let's go, Nomi!" He said and pulled me deeper. He is quite strong. We arrived at his home. It was beautiful. Then, I saw another mermaid swimming at us and was shocked.

"Cunningham? Who is this guy? I've never seen him before." He ask.

"Howard, this is Nomi. Nomi, this is Howard. Nomi is a friend from the surface." Randy explained.

Howard's face was still in tacked. Like something bothering him.

"So it is true. Guys follow me." Howard said and swam away. We followed him at what did we see? A castle.

"Howard? Why are we here?" I ask. He didn't listen and open the door. He swam to a book and pointed something at us.

"I know this is weird, but stick with me. There is one legend that really bugged me out. Now I understand. Read this and you'll understand." Howard said.

Me and Randy looked at the book and read the lines that he showed at us.

Saith to be told that one day a child will found there destiny by wishing on the moon. And then found out that his magic wasn't meant to be. Only his love will save him soon, before everything turns crazy. Knowing that he was born to be a guardian or a villain, its his choice to choose. For his life will judge by his lover and everyone he knew. He love a mermaid boy who loves him too. But then it will be two path for them to choose. Be together or separated forever. The only choices they have.

Me and Randy looked at each other. What happen? I have magic? I don't understand. Randy looked at me and almost cried. He said that he doesn't want to loose me and so do I. Its my choice to be a villain or be a guardian. Of course I want to be the guardian.

"Guys. There is more than that. There is a story that happen when you were born Nomi. Read this page." Howard said and showed me and Randy an unfinished page.

A boy was born in a world where a mermaid girl and a man love each other. She gave birth to a boy but with no tail. He's a human just like his father. The mermaid girl told him to never mention about her and gave a green ninja shaped necklace to the boy. The man agreed and took care of the child until his death. The boy's uncle knew the story and decided to not tell him until the time came. A merman will love the boy and will wish that he can see him again and again. When the wish come true, they will show each others world. Their love will sprout and be together. But a secret that was kept by the uncle was bad enough. The boy's father was killed by a merman who was jealous of the parent's love. He killed the father and leave the child behind. The uncle never wanted to talk about that. He'll tell the boy about it when he's ready.

I looked at the pages and my necklace. My mom was a mermaid? My father was killed by a merman?! Why?! I suddenly felt anger and wanted to kill that guy. Randy was scared. He told me that he'll leave me alone. Then he left. I went to the surface and still was angry. I need to know more. Then I think back. Choose to be a villain or a guardian. I said that i wanted to be a guardian, but now? Which one should he choose?

Cliffhanger! I know this is bad, I'm still a beginner. So, see y'all next time!

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