Not so great Stan man, not so great.

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Stanley moaned quietly as he made his way downstairs. What kind of mother signs their child up for something that they don't want to go to? Stanley said as he sat at the table. 

"Stan can you go and get mommy the comb please?" Rosa said pointing upstairs with her egg covered spatula. "Ugh ok." Stanley said as he went back upstairs.

When he made it in the bathroom he noticed he was alone, with a mirror, and a comb. Stanley picked up the comb, brushed his hair back and fixed his dark green, sparkly bow tie. "Looking good Stan man, looking good."

"Ha I heard that!" Percy said peaking into the bathroom. When Stanley hears his voice he was all the shades of red. 

"So Stan man, are you going to give your mom the comb now?"

"Yes dad I will.." Stanley said passing his dad walking downstairs.

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