The Way Back Home

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"So" Rosa asked. "How was it?" Stanley had already torn off one of the caps, and started to eat the pretzels. "Pretty -munch munch- good. I got these pret -munch- zels from the health teacher."

Rosa looked at Stanley. Then at the candy. "You mind sharing that?" She asked, reaching her hand towards the candy jar. "Mom you can have this one." Stanley replied, handing her the candy pretzels.

BEEP BEEEEP! The noise got louder and louder until Rosa turned back to the wheel. A truck was face to face with her.

With speed like a cat, she jerked the wheel causing Stanley's pretzels to spill and luckily she had enough time to save herself from being in the hospital. "See honey? Thats why we wear seatbelts." She said, wiping sweat off her head.

When they got home, happily in one piece, Stanley ran inside. Instead of being greeted by his father, he was greeted by silence. "Dad? Dad? Ha! I know your playing with me! You can't scare me! I'm like Batman! No emotion what so ever!" He screamed. "Your father isn't here." Rosa removed her coat and hooked it up in the closet.

"Not here? Where? Did he finally think I'm ready to get my own dog?" Stanley asked, walking upstairs to his room. "Actually.. He got a job. He isn't coming back until 8:30 a.m." She said following behind him.

Stanley hopped on the computer and went on his blog.

He typed. On his blog he put:

Hey guys its the S dawg here. My dad is totes gone so I can message u peeps all 24 hrs. Isn't that swag?

When he finished typing he looked at his comments.


MamaMonkey:You go sweetie!

N00bkillr:Lol mama's boy. Go write to ur mam noob.

Stanley blushed then closed his labtop. When he spun around in his dark brown chair, he saw his mom, on her phone, on his blog. "Mom! You ruined my blog."

Bing bong! BING Bong! BING BONG! The doorbell was going off faster then the school bell.

Stanley ran downstairs, hoping that his order of the new Super Smash Bros 4 game was here.

When he opened the door, he grabbed the mail from the ground. There was a package along with a letter.

Stanley opened the letter and read:

Dear Stanley,

Thank you for being my first friend. I tour people around a lot but they don't seem to like me. In my old school, my only friend was a stuffed sock monkey. I'm happy that you actually want me for who I am. And not for my homework. I knew you were my friend when you gave me those jars of candy etc. Thank you Stanley for being my first and only best friend.


Dayanara Ramirez.

Next to her name was a stain. It was labeled,

My tears of joy.

Stanley was greatful that he made Day happy. He ran upstairs to show his mom the letter. She wiped a tear off her eye and said, "So. Do you like her?"

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